Bug Cannot access forum


Active Member
I keep getting a 50x internal server error. I had submitted a ticket and got an email response that it had been fixed butunfortunately I still have the same problem. I have tried on Mozilla and google chrome
nikos please help I still cannot a cess the forum unless on phone or borrowed comp. this has been going on for months
minjabs have you deleted your history and cookies? Also I know with Chrome, if I type www.longhaircareforum.com, I get an error. I have to type www.longhaircareforum.com/index.php.

Also try doing a search for Long Hair Care Forum and click on the link in the results you get. Maybe that will work.

Sorry you're having trouble.

Oh, one other thing, make sure LHCF isn't blocked by your browser. Go to Tools, Options, Security...and click on Exceptions and then type the LHCF address and click Allow.

And if you want to mention Nikos, you have to spell out his last name dimopoulos --that is his LHCF screen name.