Can You Weave Entire Head? & Lace Front Questions


Well-Known Member
i'm sick to death of my bun & ponytails (and no amount of hair toys/accessories is going to help.) i need some OPTIONS & the idea of a whole head weave came to mind. is it possible to weave the entire head? hairlines to 'kitchen??'

if not, what are some other options...i know lace fronts are out there. i looked online at a few lace fronts ( that were gorgeous! but at $800-999 are waaaay more than i'd consider paying unless it was going to stay on my head, permanently, for a few months. are lace fronts always this expensive? are they worth the price? can you find any for cheaper?
You can go to BHM to get many reviews on different lace front vendors. Most have purchased wigs from $200 to about 500 (includes s/h).With most Chinese vendors, You may or may not get a good product. It's a 50/50 thing. American vendors are usually more customer servicey(yeah i know it's not a word:p). Lace fronts are the ultimate protective style. If I was balling outta control, I'd have one by now. Good luck! Oh and if you decide to purchase a lace front, please go to BHM to get a review of the person/company who is making your lace front. To me these wigs are worth the price. Good luck!
so i'd assume that its possible to weave a full head of (relatively) thick, BSL hair. i'm considering a weave because i'm sick of buns and i want to wear my hair down and look pretty. it hit the fan last night when i had to go out to a club rockin my 'workday' bun complete with halo frizz. not a good look...especially when you're surrounded by good looking, eligible, white women hunting men. (still doesn't hurt to look hot, even if they are hunting for white girls.) and i need something that will fit into my lifestyle since i have workouts and rehearsals 5-6 days a week. which is why i'm thinking a lace front wouldn't work (too much sweating), or would be too time consuming?? now i just need to find a good weave specialist.