Can you use henna for gray hair?


Active Member
I want to introduce it to my mom...she has a LOT of gray hair and she likes to color it but she doesn't trust doing it herself. And times are hard so we arent able to go to the salon like we used to. So how safe is henna? And will the color release on gray hair?
Henna alone will give you orange to burgundy hair on gray hair. I found a white hair in my head that was orange from henna :lol:

You must add indigo to the henna mix for anything from reddish brown to dark brown and auburn shades.

For very black, you first do a henna treatment, then you do a full indigo treatment.
Same thing happened to me :lachen: That was the first grey strand I found in my hair.

OP, I'm sure the ladies have given good advice so far...

Henna alone will give you orange to burgundy hair on gray hair. I found a white hair in my head that was orange from henna :lol:

You must add indigo to the henna mix for anything from reddish brown to dark brown and auburn shades.

For very black, you first do a henna treatment, then you do a full indigo treatment.
Henna alone will give you orange to burgundy hair on gray hair. I found a white hair in my head that was orange from henna :lol:

You must add indigo to the henna mix for anything from reddish brown to dark brown and auburn shades.

For very black, you first do a henna treatment, then you do a full indigo treatment.

Check this out:

Yes, you can use henna for gray, but for darker tones you'll want to do indigo too. I haven't read through all of it, but there are recipes there for mixes on gray hair.

Adding my agreement. :yep:
Remember gray hair is rather resistant and you may have to do multiple treatments to get the full coverage desired if your mother has a lot of gray.

I'm in my 50s and I do the 2-step process with indigo and my hair is now a very rich deep, deep brown/black. I :love: it.
So it sounds like there is a slight chance it could turn an unwanted color if i dont do it right lol she would:spank::lachen:
Only if you use just henna. Henna produces red tones. If you are going for browns and darker, you need the indigo. I would do it as a separate treatment after the henna.
You can achieve dark brown by mixing indigo from what I've read. I think it is a 2 to 1 ratio being more henna than indigo from what I've read.
Check out the Mixes page on Henna for Hair.
You'll see a lot of different ways to get many color, and read the whole site in general especially the eBook. It is very informative.
I have a Considerable amount of Grey and I always do the 2 Step: Henna, then Indigo and always perfect results.

Always the right color. A Nice Dark Brownish/Black.:yep:

Make sure you Moisturize!

And I would also suggest rinsing with something like V05 Moisture Milks or Suave Coconut Conditioner to ward off any dryness from the Henna and also do a Moisturizing Deep Conditioner.:yep:
I'd say add the indigo....I've only Henna'd once and I still have copper colored grays..However, I like it, so it doesn't bother me. I also don't have a head full of gray's but I have enough.
Only if you add indigo. Henna on gray hairs makes them shine coppery red color. If you want the grays to be more subdued, then henna plus indigo is the way to go. The indigo will darken, but not completely cover the gray, and lasts about as long as a temporary rinse. If your mom's hair is more than 50% gray, I would consider a more permanent dye, so she doesn't end up with a head full of orangey-red hair!