Can you use certain products to seal AND moisturize?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of ORS Olive Oil in particular . . . I mean, it's water-based, but it's olive oil . . . and contains a lot of oil products. What do you think?
I want to know this too because after relaxing I have major issues with my hair retenting the moisture and only ORS olive oil moisturiser solved this problem.

Well for me it is.

Piling on moisturizer then oil is just overkill sometimes. Especially for some products.

For example, I can use Qhemet's Olive Creme Detangler and need NO OIL. But for some reason her Heavy Cream make me want to top it off with some oil.

I think you have to just use you discernment based on how your hair feels and if it maintains moisture or not.