Can you tell when it's time to wash your hair?


Since I've been wash my hair 2x's a week if I get lazy and go a week or more my hair gets itchy and I notice more shedding. Can anyone else tell when it's time?
When I washed once a week, I could always tell when my hair needed to be washed because it just looked like it had too much product in it. It looked clogged or something. IDK, I'm horrible at explaining things :lol: My scalp would itch, too.
If I have a relatively new relaxer, then when my hair starts shedding then I know I need to wash.. If I'm wearing a relaxer that 10 or more weeks old then I wash on schdule because it takes a lot of time to finger comb and detangle all that new growth.
I usually wash my hair once a week without fail. If I go alot longer than that, my hair itches badly and I get buildup so I try not to ever put it off :nono:
Since I started washing my hair once a week instead of every 2 weeks my hair now gets very limp if I don't wash it. The 2nd week without washing it my hair will not hold a curl if I comb it and it's heavier. I'm pretty sure this is because I use more products now and i have buildup after a week. Plus my scalp itches, I can't pass the scratch test (which is the worst) and if I go a full two weeks (which I normally do if I miss my weekend weekly wash session) my hair will look dirty by the the end of the 2nd week and just feels nasty. Needless to say I try my best not to miss my weekend wash sessions.:rolleyes:
When it is straight...I can tell when it looked weighed down, once a week

Natural....when i can't control the puffiness, every 4-5 days
I should have washed mine this weekend but got lazy and now I am itchy and shedding a little more. I feel like since I wash it often and I try to keep my scalp clean between doing that & mn it is really helping my growth. Also keeping it moisturized daily & protein weekly ( I just started using Cathy Howse conditioner last month). Frequent shampooing is important for me.
my scalp feels itchy and yucky (like residue/build up from sweat & products) and generally doesn't feel "clean" if i got more than a week w/out washing

i also notice my hair tangles more easily, this happens more in the summer than winter.
My scalp gets itchy and feels like there's gunk on it, my hair is frizzy and feels dry even after I put moisturizer on it. I wash every 4 days
Yes it just doesn't feel or look right. I don't know how long I am going to last with this press. If I can maintain it without putting too much on it, I may may it to 2 weeks. Q
My scalp starts itching and hurting if I go longer than 4 days. The only time I can even think about going longer is if I have a lot of new growth and have been using sulfur 8 on my scalp.
Around the fourth day for me, my scalp starts to feel really itchy and my hair just starts to look dry.