can you switch from high porosity to low porosity?


Well-Known Member
reason why i am asking this is a couple of weeks ago my strands were feeling like straw, just weird:ohwell:.
i did a porosity test, put a clean strand of hair in a bowl of water and it just went straight to the bottom, not even float for a second:perplexed.
i then remembered that my last protein treatment was about 4months ago.
i decided to chelate (my products are ph balance but i live in hard water area)and do a hardcore protein, which did work wonderfully, my hair was back to normal, very soft and silky.
yesterday i decided to check for porosity and my hair have been floating in the water since??? is this bad? otherwise, my hair is well moisturised but i have noticed that oil tend to just sit on top of my strands!
can anyone shed light please:grin:
Well, if your hair was porous and you started using acidic products and you DC'd well so your hair was moisturized inside the strands, it would not be able to take in anymore moisture, so anything you add would just sit on top of your hair. Also hair that is coated with a sealing product (oil, serum, cone) may float coz water cannot enter the strands.

Another thing to consider is hair that is partly damaged could sink because an absence of whole cuticle means holes that allow water to enter strand and cause it to sink.

And just to confuse matters, the opposite could also be true for damaged hair :pullhair:because if you think about it, suppose you had half a strand or part of a strand...not only is there no "inside" for water to get in and weigh the strand down so it sinks (since it'd be an open cylinder), but part of a strand would probably be light, like if you took a pipe and cut it open and then placed it on water, if it's light enough it will float.

So for this test to work well, I believe you have to start with a clean hair strand that is whole. You're likely to get fairly healthy strand if you use one that was shed or plucked from the root. I just think that hair closest to the scalp gives a truer picture to your normal hair because it hasn't been around long enough to be worn down by the elements or manipulation. Using a broken hair will not give good results because hair that breaks is usually already damaged which is how it got so weak to break off. JMHO

A shed hair will hopefully be long and have more of it being "whole" (read: undamaged) so, if clean, will behave in a way that will tell you what's true of your hair. Also remember normal porosity could float then sink...

In any case, low porosity is not a bad thing. Check out this post and this one.

Bottom line, I think this topic should only be a concern if you're having trouble figuring out a regimen. Once you have it down pat, what your hair is or isn't doesn't matter really.
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thank you so much nonie. i did the test on fresly cleaned and shed hair.
i am happy with my regiment and happy with with my length retention.
i think the problem was i just needed a protein shot and chelate because of hard water.:yep: