Can you skip protein treatments if...


Well-Known Member
you consume a lotttt of protein?

this question has been bugging me since i talked to a dear friend about her getting a protein treatment to reduce breakage. She said that she didn't need or want a protein treatment (ever) because she gets her protein by eating a loooottttt of chicken... I opened my mouth to say something... but i was speechless... and it got me to thinking...

if you consume a lot of protein, be it by food or shakes, does that mean you can skip protein treatments for your hair? would consuming a lot of protein help end breakage? would consuming a lot of protein yield the same results as doing a protein mask/treatment?
Protein in your diet helps but I don't think it can replace protein treatments completely. I still have breakage and problems that require protein and my diet is practically all meat and veggies.
I honestly don't know. I consume alot of protein and my hair doesn't really like hard protein treatments. :nono: I'm not sure if that's the reason or not. I still do reconstructors tho cuz I don't want a moisture overload. I just know that my hair can't take a WHOLE lot of Keratin.
No. Once the hair emerges from the scalp internal nutrients are no longer available to it.

Depending on the condition of your hair you may need some type of protien...perhaps just a light protien to maintain your hair or a harder protien if u have some damage, shedding, or breakage.

No. Once the hair emerges from the scalp internal nutrients are no longer available to it.

Depending on the condition of your hair you may need some type of protien...perhaps just a light protien to maintain your hair or a harder protien if u have some damage, shedding, or breakage.


ITA with this. Hair is not like a plant where you water it and the entire thing springs back to life.:grin:

Nutrition plays a big part, but even with the best nutrition at the scalp level, the hair still has to survive once its nutrition has been cut off and it becomes the keratinized length you're working with on a daily basis. After hair's been pushed out, you can only work with cosmetic treatments to "repair" it from the day to day beating it is going to take just being there on your head.

So you could be on a really high protein diet, but if you're relaxing, coloring, frying or ripping through your hair on a daily
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No. Once the hair emerges from the scalp internal nutrients are no longer available to it.

Depending on the condition of your hair you may need some type of protien...perhaps just a light protien to maintain your hair or a harder protien if u have some damage, shedding, or breakage.


sorry double post...kid in lap... :lachen:
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