Can you really have too many staples?

How many staples do you have (per product type - shampoos, conditioners etc.)?

  • Zero - still searching

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • One in each product type - that's all I need

    Votes: 13 22.0%
  • Two in each product type - gotta have a back-up

    Votes: 25 42.4%
  • Three or more in each product type - can't have too many

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
When I think of "staples," I think of the products you can't live without. The ones that you will keep forever (as long as your hair cooperates) that are the "go-to" products that never let you down. Having said that, as I was starting my first fotki and uploading pictures of my "staples," I realized I have a heck of a lot of them! Overall and in each category of product (i.e. shampoos, conditioners, reconstructors etc.) So my question is, can you have too many staples, or is a staple the ONE product that is your go to (i.e. the ONE shampoo or the ONE conditioner)?
Well, I for one definitely have more than one staple. IMO, it means product(s) that you will continually repurchase because they agree with your hair. There's no rule, written or otherwise, that says staple = one product in each category. Besides, they could be staples for different reasons; one (or 3) poo(s) could be your clarifier, but you could also have staple mosturizing poos, staple condishes for cowashing and dc's that may be moisture, protein, moisture/protein, etc...
Not to mention, what if one of your staples is discontinued or just out of stock? Gotta have a back up or two.

All that to say, don't feel bad and don't feel strange. You aren't the only one!!
Let me take a risk here, and say yes you can have too many staples.

In reorganizing all of my stuff, I have too much crap. I have to get everything that we talk about here on the boards.

I think back to what I may have posted in the past about this or that product that worked great when I finally am realizing that I yield the same results with fewer and far less product.

As an example, I'm natural and instead of applying shampoo, conditioner a leave in and then something for shine, and then something for hold, I find that after washing and conditioning my hair shea butter alone provides all that I need as leave-in, shine and holding properties.

Don't get me wrong, I love experiementing with all the products, but it really is a waste of money that I can't really afford to be spending.

Another example, is a $14. (or whatever) product to whiten our teeth, when for $.50 a bottle of hydrogen peroxide will do the same thing.
(Maybe, a poor example but you get the point)

Or, trying all this different products that contain shea butter from different companies, or this person or that made it. Get some raw shea butter and call it a day.

For those that can afford it financially and have the physical space for it, I'm jealous:grin: hair goes through it builds some sort of resistance to products so after a while I do not get the same affect...if that makes sense...right now I am trying to transition to organic products and have not found anything I the moment...I am still using some non-organic products...if anyone has any tips...let me know... :)
My definition of staple is different from OP's. A staple is something that does what I need for it to do consistently. So for me theroretically no such thing as too many.It gives me more options. I am not dependent on something that may be hard to get at the moment. I do agree that having a large amount of products that you couldn't live without could be a bit much and probably should be narrowed down.

ETA my definition has led me to having too many products still though, but I'm working on that.
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Let me take a risk here, and say yes you can have too many staples.

In reorganizing all of my stuff, I have too much crap. I have to get everything that we talk about here on the boards.

I think back to what I may have posted in the past about this or that product that worked great when I finally am realizing that I yield the same results with fewer and far less product.

As an example, I'm natural and instead of applying shampoo, conditioner a leave in and then something for shine, and then something for hold, I find that after washing and conditioning my hair shea butter alone provides all that I need as leave-in, shine and holding properties.

Don't get me wrong, I love experiementing with all the products, but it really is a waste of money that I can't really afford to be spending.

Another example, is a $14. (or whatever) product to whiten our teeth, when for $.50 a bottle of hydrogen peroxide will do the same thing.
(Maybe, a poor example but you get the point)

Or, trying all this different products that contain shea butter from different companies, or this person or that made it. Get some raw shea butter and call it a day.

For those that can afford it financially and have the physical space for it, I'm jealous:grin:

i agree. i think that a person can have *too* many staple products. i'm a big fan of simplicity and i just don't think that we always have to do a million things to our hair to help it grow. :look:
I too agree. Simplicity is key. It does make me kinda wonder like with some of the detailed regimens that some women use. I look at other people who can achieve the SAME thing and use less products.
Having a lot of stuff doesn't mean you're doing a lot to your hair. I'm too lazy for a bunch of extra, but I love hair products so I have a lot of them. Your routine can still be simple. I know what works and have my staple products, but buying hair products is a hobby of mine. regimen is very simple and laid back but my hair does go through different changes that force me to have different "options" available.Also,ALOT of my products get discontinued by the brand and become hard to find so it makes it easier if I know that there are 1 or 2 products that I can use to substitute.
I have one per product group except for styling gel:

1. Regular Poo
2. Neutralizing Poo
3. Reg. Conditioner
4. Deep Conditioner
5. Leave In
6. Cheap Gel- I could do without this since I don't use gel often anyway.
7. Too expensive gel I use for wash and gos.
It's a problem. I can't go into to a BSS without buying something, that 99% of the time I don't need. I know what works on my hair. I've decided to chuck everything else and buy liter or gallon sizes of my staples.
I'm kind of "on the fence" with this one. I love to buy hair products and fortunately, they all work for me. But on the other hand, when I have too many, they become overwhelming! I'm the kind of person that, if I have way to much stuff, it becomes "clutter" to me. I'm in the no buy challenge now, so that'll help some.
I only have one staple for each product category...and actually most of my categories overlap so I think that makes it easier for me. I think it's possible to have too many but as long as the person is ok with it then it doesn't matter how I feel about it.

I don't keep a lot of products around because most of my stuff is perishable (ex: bananas) or used for cooking (ex: olive oil). I never feel like I have too much stuff because the only things I keep in the bathroom for my hair are baking soda and castor oil. hair goes through it builds some sort of resistance to products so after a while I do not get the same affect...if that makes sense...right now I am trying to transition to organic products and have not found anything I the moment...I am still using some non-organic products...if anyone has any tips...let me know... :)

How often do you clarify? Product buildup really affects the way your hair responds to different things. If your hair isn't "acting right" try clarifying and see what happens.

As far as organic products...I used to use Giovanni Smooth as Silk Deeper Moisture conditioner, which was a DC. Loved it. Oyin Handmade has a great conditioner (Honey Hemp) that is perfect for cowashes, detangling, and leaving in. You have to order that online though. A lot of people love Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose. I've never tried it but I did try the AO GPB and it's a perfect mild protein conditioner. Yes to Carrots has a conditioner with some good ingredients and they're mostly organic, check walgreens for the line.

Now I use baking soda/water as shampoo...coconut milk as conditioner...caramel treatment for DC (search for the "yum caramel" thread)....water as my moisturizer...and castor oil as a leave in. You may want to try one of those as well.
I have two back up plans, you will never know if that company stops making the products that you like, and you will never know how your money will be, so I have a back up plan....but a simple back up plan.....i'm currently using ayurveda and hairveda...but as my hair grows longer I will probably become more simple......but right now my cabinet is half empty......and I don't mind......
I have two staples for line....simply for the fact that you never know when the companies will change the you gotta have a back up and plus my hairs reacts well to these products but i do keep it simple. money doesnt grow on trees
I think having 2 staples in each category is a good plan. If you can't find one you can always buy the other. I have a two tier cost approach, a economic version of each product and a luxury version. Once you settle into a regi, it's fun to experiment until you find your holy grail of products. I'm enjoying my PJism for now :yep:
I say 2 of each type, but I haven't even found one of each type. (still searching) I like to keep simple, but play it safe as well....there are so many factors in life that can change what shampoo, consdish, you may need on any given day...crazy... so I would suggest a small amount of very GREAT items for all your hair symptoms, if that makes any sense...:grin:
I have two or three products that I can go to in each category but I really only need one. I like variety though.
I think having 2 staples in each category is a good plan. If you can't find one you can always buy the other. I have a two tier cost approach, a economic version of each product and a luxury version. Once you settle into a regi, it's fun to experiment until you find your holy grail of products. I'm enjoying my PJism for now :yep:

yeah PJism seems like mandatory in order to find your staples, so that's my phase....just wish I wasn't so broke, than I can get some of that luxury stuff these ladies rave about instead of trying to discount my way to APL, unless their's a professional product counterfeiter on here I haven't met yet...if so PM me!:lachen:
I agree with Eisani. Having a lot of products does not guarantee a complicated (also subjective) regimen. My regimen is simple( prepoo, poo, dc, rollerset, daily moisture/oil). Very simple. I don't have the time for a complicated regimen & my hair will let me know what it hates quick fast.
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I consider staples to be the basics, the foundation of whatever works for you. I don't think there's a such thing as too many. For instance, rice, corn, potatoes and other various food items are considered staples. You might not eat all in one serving but you have at least one with most meals. So with that said, my staples are coconut oil, olive oil, aloe vera gel, raw shea butter and glycerin. I always have at least one of these in my hair at all times and in mostly every concoction I make.
too many?:blush: theres no such thing!!!!!!!!!:lachen:
Amen! Amen! Amen! Preach it!!!!!:lachen::lachen:

I have certain products that are always on hand, that I always use. I also like trying new things, and I like a bit of variety now and then.

Hair products are like shoes, books, and flowers - you can never have too many. :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

For ladies who like to keep one or two of each, I applaud your self control. I applaud your organization. I admire your beautiful hair. I admire your uncluttered shower and cupboards.

I will most likely always use phytospecific relaxer, phytojoba shampoo and conditioner, phytomist and phyto7 leave in, and camellia oil. But there is a wide world of great hair products for me to try - who knows, as unlikely as it seems to me right now, I may one day find products I like better (or maybe not). But the fun is in the shopping and experimenting.
No i don't think you can have too many staples. I have just gotten rid of alot of products that mostly worked for me now im down to one line. But im the type of person who needs a back up. I have ordered most of my products on line but one day i may not be able to afford it, so i have to find a line on the ground where i can get anytime that is cheaper.
What I cannot live without:

staple products:
my CON detangling shampoo
my moisturiser
my coconut, castor and olive oils

staple techniques:
low manipulation
sleeping in a satin scarf all the time
washing my hair in sections
trimming as needed

To me the products are important yes and it is better to just have a few good ones. That way you minimize setbacks from using something which is too harsh for your own hair and it keeps you from jumping on bandwagons. The staple techniques are also just as important if not more. When I changed my hair care techniques (didn't have any before LHCF anyway), I saw results:yep:.
I have a TON of product. Cause I'm a PJ at heart. But only very few are staples. But my staples have changed my hair life!!! Thank goodness I found them.
For me, yes and no... I mean, simple is the best way to go about things (well for me) and well if I have 2 or 3 maximum great. I was just talking to my husband about this today. I was looking at the cost of hair products and it can really get expensive when you don't really need all that stuff... So yeah I simplified mine to this...

*2 Shampoos - A regular poo and a clarifying
*3 Conditioners - A protein reconstructor, A moisturizing and a protein and moisturizing combo (Queen Helens Cholesterol with Ginsing)
*One leave-in conditioner this kills 2 birds with one stone because it's also a moisturizer:grin: (Rusk Sensories Smoother Leave-In Texturzing)
*1 Serum I love serum lol.
*Oil for the occasional scalp rub
It's hard enough for me to find one staple!
But I do think it's a good idea to have more than one in each category (if possible) in case they change the formula or discontinue one of your staples.