Can you "Over-Henna" your hair??


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to over-henna hair? If so, what are the signs that you are over doing the henna?

I currently henna my hair once a month but I want to do it twice a month.

Any advice?
I don't think you could over-Henna if its just twice a month. If you do it more than twice a month and you have natural hair, you will notice that the henna will loosen the curl.
I over-henna'd my hair, but I was doing it weekly for an extended period of time. I could tell it was too much because I started getting breakage at the root, and splits at the root. THis was early in my haircare journey, but looking back on it, the signs were rather the same as over-protein'ing - hard, stiff, brittle hair.
I left the henna alone for about a month, and did lots and lots of overnight DC's, and my hair bounced right back.
Check out curlynikkis blog, specifically her henna experience

She henna'ed several times a week to build up the effects without any issues. They key thing may be making sure you follow up each henna application with a moisturizing DT.

:yep: And of course, just like protein use, it depends on your hair type, strand thickness, and moisture/protein requirements, as well as heat use. Using straight henna multiple times a week for an extended period of time sounds like :spinning: to me - but looking at Nikki's hair, it definitely worked for her. :yep:
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I used to do henna treatments A LOT until I got lazy. But anyway, my hair never seemed averse to it. Twice a month should be okay, but you never know so watch your hair for signs that it has had enough.
Thank you so much! I will try hennindigo twice a week for the next 4 months but I will keep a close eye for signs of dryness.

ETA for typos
I left my last henna mix (henna and water with a dab of ACV) in my hair overnight, with no heat. It was late, and I was tired. The next day, I didn't like the way my hair felt at all; it was very stiff, dry, and crunchy.

With the previous henna mix (henna, water, a dab of ACV, and homemade alma oil), I sat under the dryer for an hour and left it in for two more hours without heat and then rinsed. My hair felt great, and I detangled with ease.

My hair is protein-sensitive. I will still use henna every 6-8 weeks, but I'll use the method that works best for me.