Can you lose God's annointing?


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to feel like that's the case with me. I feel like my light is waning. I feel like I'm unable to reach people like I used to. The longer I stay at my job (my full time one), I'm starting to develop a negative spirit. Everyone annoys me and I honestly go in there with the worst attitude. I feel jaded because I'm not appreciated. I also can't leave. It just feels like a prison and no matter how hard I try, I cannot find contentment.

I was in bible study the other night, and I didn't feel God speaking to me through scripture like he normally does. Usually He always reveals something to me through the Word but lately it has been quiet. At one point I was so sure of where God was taking me, now I have no clue. I have no clue what purpose my life serves.

Ever since I got reprimanded at work (my part time one), I have not been the same. I have never been reprimanded by an employer before. Basically, I was yelled at because I stayed beyond the end of my shift to help someone. This customer came back specifically for me because she felt that I was very helpful the last time she came in. I felt bad passing her off to someone else, so I made sure she got what she needed. To be yelled at for doing something you thought was a good hurt me. However it wasn't good because time is money.

What is wrong with me? I feel so empty. That situation left such a bad taste in my mouth that my desire to help others has diminished. I just don't feel useful anymore. I feel like I'm a liability.
I feel like that about my job Divine. I wake up not wanting to go to work every single day. Through it all though, I give God thanks. I thank him for the job, the knowledge and means it provides. He wants me here right now for a purpose and he will take me out of it when he's ready. Just keep trusting in his will and keep deep in prayer. He's listening and he knows what you're going through.

I know that I didn't answer your question. But, what you said, spoke to me.
LiftedUp, no I appreciate your post! I was actually going to delete mine until I saw your response. I'm not even sure if I'm asking the right thing. I think what I really want to know is if others have ever felt this way? I feel out of touch and I don't know why.
Divine. I hope you feel better about your path through life soon, I have gone through emotionally overwhelming periods in my life too, and I try to hold firm to keeping peace in my heart.
I'm not a christian and can't help you with scriptures but I want you to know that I 'get' it and a lot of us go through this, try to keep yourself engaged in activities that calm and uplift your spirits and keep your spiritual/religious life active, even if you don't feel the presence of God very strongly now, keep asking for His grace and be certain you will feel His presence again.
Don’t let that ‘reprimand’ stop you from hearing the voice of God, he is still speaking to you but because you are hurt and angry you can’t hear him…There are going to be more times when you are going to be fussed out for no reason, 'feel' but don't live in your feelings, deal with it immediately (btw, forgive that person)…

I don’t want to sound cliché but I think about what would Jesus would do, when I want to stand up for my rights I think about Jesus and how he didn’t open his mouth, being silent didn’t make him less right or less the son of God.

You are there for a purpose, many times that goes without being ‘noticed’ or the ‘gratitude’ of men, it’s important to continue to do what you know is right to do.

1 Peter 2:23

23and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously;
Divine. I hope you feel better about your path through life soon, I have gone through emotionally overwhelming periods in my life too, and I try to hold firm to keeping peace in my heart.
I'm not a christian and can't help you with scriptures but I want you to know that I 'get' it and a lot of us go through this, try to keep yourself engaged in activities that calm and uplift your spirits and keep your spiritual/religious life active, even if you don't feel the presence of God very strongly now, keep asking for His grace and be certain you will feel His presence again.

Thank you for this! As I was writing, I was wondering if I was even making any sense. I think I just needed to write it out so I could sort out how I was feeling. My spiritual life hasn't been what it used to be, so I plan I getting back to where I started.

Don’t let that ‘reprimand’ stop you from hearing the voice of God, he is still speaking to you but because you are hurt and angry you can’t hear him…There are going to be more times when you are going to be fussed out for no reason, 'feel' but don't live in your feelings, deal with it immediately (btw, forgive that person)…

I don’t want to sound cliché but I think about what would Jesus would do, when I want to stand up for my rights I think about Jesus and how he didn’t open his mouth, being silent didn’t make him less right or less the son of God.

You are there for a purpose, many times that goes without being ‘noticed’ or the ‘gratitude’ of men, it’s important to continue to do what you know is right to do.

1 Peter 2:23

23and while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously;

I love what you said in the bolded, and that scripture is spot on! I feel like I am consistently passed by, especially in the work place. I usually don't take it personally, but this time I did. All I wanted to do was be helpful and they couldn't see past that.

This actually reminds me of something God spoke to me last week. All he said was, "How do you think I feel?" He is always good and doesn't ever deserve to be treated negatively. Yet, he is gracious enough to forgive every time. I need to let go :yep:
Do not forget that the intent of satan is to separate us from God. If he can get you away from hearing and feeling God that is when he goes to work. The battle is in our mind, so we must guard our thoughts, words, and actions.

I have felt the same way, but realize that God is always the same and it is us who pull away. Pray to reconnect and change your thoughts, words you speak and actions. I say start thanking Him and pray and you will reconnect.
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I haven't had opportunity to respond in this thread because I have been a little busy these past couple of days. I wanted to come back and say how thankful I am for all the responses I received. They truly helped me get out of my rut. On Saturday, I went into God's presence and poured my heart out to him. Everything from expressing how I have been feeling over the past year to repentance. After doing that, I just felt so much assurance that God was with me. I can't describe it, but I just knew. Since then, things have really been looking up. The spark I once had is slowly but surely coming back. I am desiring more of Him.

Sometimes it's hard to be "on" all the time when your circumstances are wearing you out. You're literally crumbling on the inside, trying to make it. You are so right Blessedwithabundance14. I was just saying how I feel like the enemy is targeting me. He does not want me to have a relationship with God, period. Although I can understand why Satan would be vying for my attention, seeing how I served him for the majority of my life.

I am so glad that I have others to pick me up when I fall. Thank you!