Can you interpret my dream about my ex and my hair?


Putting this here for more responses!

Ok so I had a strange dream this morning. First of all my hair was really long and straight (midback length in the dream, it shoulder length and natral IRL) I was excited about my dream and running outside through the garage ( it's attached to our house) to show everybody how long my hair was. My great grandma ( we live together) was coming in the house with a case of ribs as well as the old roommate of my ex ( we're cool, but he's a little feminine so nothing happening there), I look outside and my ex is bar-b-quing mind you I live nowhere close to these two men so why they're in my yard, I have no clue.I was trying to show him my hair and he was unconcerned and ignored me, but continued to bar-b-q, one side of the meat was still completely raw. Somewhere in the dream I saw two and a half bags of cat litter and told my Granny we had enough to last us, mind you we had a cat last year, but it's been gone for over a year.

One of my girlfriend's had a dream about my hair a few months ago as well, she said it was long and in it's natural curly state ( she noticed specifically that it had grown) and that I was dancing in the middle of a floor and I was happy.

I don't know why this particular ex appears in my dreams at all, we were "together" for a short period in high school and we've never had sex, yet this was probably what I consider to be my first heartbreak, after our breakup I became depressed and started exercising and lost about thirty lbs. It's been 7 years since we were "together"

The first dream is obviously a bit more strange than the others but can anyone tell me what they mean?

As far as your hair goes, That's probably what you want as an hair goal, and courtesy of here's what I got:

Meat To see raw meat in your dream, signifies that there will be many obstacles and discouragement in achieving your goals.

To see cooked meat in you dream, denotes that you will see others obtain the object for which you have been striving for.

To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or that you and your ex got back together again, suggests that something or someone in your current life that is bringing out similar feelings you felt during the relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to the same or similar behavior in a current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistake. Alternatively, past lovers often highlight the positive experiences you had with that person.?It could also signify aspects of yourself that you have x'd out or neglected.

I can't find anything about the cat but I HTH. :yep:
Has your hair ever been longer IRL?

Have you been thinking about this ex? Do you still have feelings for him? Or would you not mind getting back with him?

Answer these questions and I will give you my interpretation.
My hair has never been that long in my life, I think now this is the longest it's ever been...I talked to my ex on facebook I few days ago because I saw that he's teaching now and I am as well, I think the break up with him was the beginning of my low self esteem about my weight and that maybe I subconsciously desire that he desires me ( weird I know) even though I don't have a desire be with him. I hadn't seen him in six years and then I saw him this past April and now I randomly dream of him...
being i am west indian in my culture long hair signifies good things, prosperity, growth, blessings....ur dream was good.
Perhaps your dream represents what you want in waking life..midback length hair. Your friend probably also dreamt about your hair since she may be aware of your desire to achieve longer lengths.

Since you suffered low self esteem after the break up with the ex maybe you have a desire to show him that you are indeed fly (i.e. nice shape, beautiful hair). His non-interest in your dream may represent a fear that even once you achieve all of your outward changes, he still wont show the interest that you would like.

Maybe it is saying to just focus on what will make you happy without trying to show the person how great you are or how great you have become. Just be great for yourself.
My hair has never been that long in my life, I think now this is the longest it's ever been...I talked to my ex on facebook I few days ago because I saw that he's teaching now and I am as well, I think the break up with him was the beginning of my low self esteem about my weight and that maybe I subconsciously desire that he desires me ( weird I know) even though I don't have a desire be with him. I hadn't seen him in six years and then I saw him this past April and now I randomly dream of him...

This is what I think. First seeing him stirred up the memories. Secondly, I think you remember that when you were with him you had high self-esteem. Your dream was basically you going to a place you want to be - a good relationship, high self-esteem and long hair to top it off. I don't think it necessarily means you want to be with him.