Can you improve your hair's elasticity, how?


New Member
I have been natural for 2 years. Year 1 I wore in braid-outs, and micros. Then I cut hair into bob and wore for another year with blow and flat iron. I never needed my hair "pressed" or dominican blow outs because its pretty soft and will conform with heat.

This last go round I got 3 inches cut off and to save my hair from heat I got a texturizer on the roots. Now I do wash n go's, sometimes wearing it out, sometimes in a ponytail, with ends tucked under.

I co wash 3 times a week because I ride (horses) alot and hair gets very sweaty under a helmet. I DC onnce a week,

My hair feels softm but dry. I have a shea, aloe, coconut/castor oil mix to keep in hydrated. Do the dryness is undercontrol, unitl my hair rebels.

But the elasticity is HORRIBLE> I notice mostly when hair is wet, like when conditioning in the shoer, but also when hair is dry.

what can be done, if anything to improve the elasticity. I didnt feel ai had this problem when it was natural, but flat ironed. I think my hair likes to be flat-ironed, is it possible the constant co-washing it is making it LESS elastic?


I think its a mix of both it stretches easily and then snaps. the snaps part is the one I take issue with, but if it was more firm, less elastic then maybe it wouldn't stretch than break.

Did any of that make sense:drunk:

Any suggestions??