Can you help me figure out what's going on - DRY ENDS


New Member
Hello ladies:

Two weeks ago I had a fresh trim. But now my ends are really dry. After a wash/DC, my ends quickly dry up, and when I flatiron I have to go over my ends 3 times to get them straight and even then they're not completely smooth.

What's going on? My ends are not like this.

FYI - i'm 3c/4a texlaxed. I'd appreciate any thots or advice on this. I can't figure it out.
Your ends are the oldest parts of your hair so it might just be a porosity issue.
What do you use on them? When is the last time you have a protein treatment?
Do you dc with heat? When I don't dc with heat my ends suffer! I also put my ends on top of my head under the plastic they will get the extra benefit.

Another thing...maybe your hair needs some extra moisture (if they are dry)...did you try baggying to see if that helps???..maybe they need to be baby'ed for awhile...then once they are can moisturize and seal...

That sounds like they're split :shocked: That's usually how I identify split ends, is when they dry up faster than the rest of my hair or curl up when my hair is wet (I'm fully relaxed though). It doesn't really make sense why they would still be split if you just got a trim though, unless the person who trimmed your hair was incompetent :perplexed
I always make sure I focus my DC by putting a bit extra on the ends to ensure complete coverage. Also, even if you don't moisture your hair daily, you should make sure your ends stay moisturized someway. When ends get dry, they start breaking not too long after.
Thanks for the response ladies. Really gave me ideas to think about.

- I moisturize my ends every other day with IC Fantasia Olive Oil serum. But I DC faithfully every week. My last protein treatment was this Saturday when I did a Henna shampoo treatment. My hair hates protein so the shampoo was sufficient.

Prototype - I don't seal with oil. Maybe I should try that. But my hair is fine and gets weighed down easily.

Denise - Do not speak that taboo to me! I just recovered from a 1-yr of damaged hair. I will not go back! Lol.

Cutiepie & Miss Nina
- You guys might be on to something. I usually DC with heat, but for the past couple of weeks I've been DCing with a heat cap. Maybe I should try your method for a while. Good looking out!

Prose princess - My hair is TRIMMED. I lost some inches so it better be trimmed, darnit! No, really. My ends are blunt. They're just acting up.

I think my problem could be linked to me letting my hair down all the time. It's always blowing in the wind and ofcourse, brushing my sweater. But some ladies have had success with letting their hair down 24/7.

Any advice?
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Were the scissors that trimmed your hair sharp? I'm thinking that your ends may have been shredded instead of cut, especially if all of your ends are dry instead of just a particular section.
Unless my 5-yr stylist decided to be vindictive and mess me up, I don't see why she'd use a blunt scissors on me. She's very professional so I'm not worried about anything she did. I think the problem's coming from me.
We're trying to help you out here. You're not considering what we're saying. You're just listening to what you want to hear.
OP-- personally don't consider any kind of serum as a moisturiser. Serums are mostly silicones that block out heat and/or moisture. So start by clarifying your hair, (DC w/heat) then use a water based moisturizer, then an oil and then a serum, baggy before bedtime if necessary.
We're trying to help you out here. You're not considering what we're saying. You're just listening to what you want to hear.

Oh! I'm listening. It's just that I've battled damaged hair long enough to know when my hair's damaged. I'm taking in what everyone's saying and putting into my regime.

OP-- personally don't consider any kind of serum as a moisturiser. Serums are mostly silicones that block out heat and/or moisture. So start by clarifying your hair, (DC w/heat) then use a water based moisturizer, then an oil and then a serum, baggy before bedtime if necessary.
Thanks! This weekend, I plan on clarifying, DCing with heat, doing an ACV rinse to close my cuticles, and applying a moisturizer.

Thanks guys!
Wonder Woman: i'm in the same boat as you. I'm APL or 1/2inch above APL...and I noticed my ends were extra dry too. After reading the thread the responses: I realized I haven't done pre-poo treatments since December. My ends also look dry & blunt instead of silky (like the rest of my hair) & v-shape. *Even after I take down my wrap: i don't get that V shape.
I know you want them sleek, but flat ironing your ends three times is probably compounding the problem. Your ends are dry so you flat iron more, which causes more damage and makes the ends more dry, so you have to flat iron even more...see the cycle? I would suggest laying off the flat iron a bit until you've identified the cause of the dry ends.
Hello ladies:

Two weeks ago I had a fresh trim. But now my ends are really dry. After a wash/DC, my ends quickly dry up, and when I flatiron I have to go over my ends 3 times to get them straight and even then they're not completely smooth.

What's going on? My ends are not like this.

FYI - i'm 3c/4a texlaxed. I'd appreciate any thots or advice on this. I can't figure it out.

Too much heat at the ends.
Thanks ladies! I really appreciate the advice. I was just thinking about taking a break from flat-ironing and going back to my rollersets.