can you ever be completely split free?


over the past few days ive been conducting s&d's
i like to think i take care of my hair protect my ends maybe i should get my hair trimmed but im terrified of stylists
but my question is: is there anyone on here who doesnt have splits?
over the past few days ive been conducting s&d's
i like to think i take care of my hair protect my ends maybe i should get my hair trimmed but im terrified of stylists
but my question is: is there anyone on here who doesnt have splits?

My belief is the person without splits is the one who just had a trim.

Splits are inevitable, which is why I think S&D is a futile task. If you think you don't have splits, and you haven't had a trim/dusting in yonks, it's just coz you missed them before part of the split tore off and left an apparent single end.
Myself personsally, do not think I will ever be totally split free.

But there are people on this board who claim they never have splits or breakage and I'm always :fistshake: :wallbash: or :rolleyes: at those folks.
I stopped having splits and haven't seen one since going natural and 100% no heat / everyday moisturizing (1 year ago). I have single strand knots now. LOL
I can't be sure but I'll say I won't ever be split free. I have way too many hairs to determine that. I think even with S&Ds, trims, and things like the spilt ender there is no way to tell because there unless you go follicle by follicle to determine each hair's status then there will always be come stray shorter hair that may look like a split because its not in line with the rest, but who's to say if its not at a different growth phase?
I dont think its possible, its just how hair behaves IMO even the most moisturized, nonheat using head of hair will have a split end here or there. can u minimize them to the absolute minimum? YES!