Can you all believe this!!!!

Ding, ding, ding! When I used to lurk (circa 2007-08), I used to see sentiments like that, but not recently. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The only thing that has changed is that people voice thnis sentiment less often.

No one is going to convince generations of people anytime soon that the "good hair aka type 3 hair" struggle really is that difficult. Even some 4a's are not taken as seriously.
Some of yalll need to really stay in this forum 24/7... Of course it will not grow back over night, but it will grow back none theless... it would take me a 4a girl 2 1/2 years if that....
I wonder (honestly) if a youtuber with 2b/2c hair who had long hair and then cut it to SL, and got similar comments about being able to grow it back out with no problem would people be offended by those comments? Because people seem to generally accept the idea that type 1s and 2s have a easier time getting to long lengths mainly because their hair doesn't tangle as much, need as much moisture, easier to manipulate, detangle, etc, since they have a looser texture and don't have the issues that may come from have a tighter texture. I don't know why it's not PC to say the same about type 3s aside from the fact that their are lots type 3s on this board :look:.

I'm on hair forums because I want to grow my hair very long. When I go to search for ladies beyond WL, I find threads full of either type 3s or relaxed ladies with or close to HL, TBL, CL hair. When I go to youtube looking for the same, I find ladies with type 2s and 3s or relaxed with HL, TBL, CL+ hair. I (and others) have observed that their are more type 1s with very long hair than type 2s, more type 2s with very long hair than type 3s, more type 3s with long hair than type 4s. How many threads have been started asking for pics of type 3s with long hair? Finding pics of long haired type 3s is easy. Just click onto tumblr, blogs, instagram, and youtube :lol:.

But many people have made the jump that because so&so has a easier time and greater likelihood of having long hair, that not-so&so can't grow long hair :perplexed: . A tall person is going to be able to reach the top kitchen cabinet easier than a short person. It doesn't mean that it will be impossible for short people to reach that dang cabinet, they (we) just have to work harder :lol:. And if you think that a tall person is better than a short person, then you need to go re-evaluate your life.
I should clarify - her hair doesn't grow fast because she's a 3 type. Shoot- I think my texture is similar to hers but she had crazy growth/retention. I think my hair grows but doesn't show length unless it's straight.

I just noticed when I first found her, her hair was way shorter than mine and grew way faster than mine. I drooled over her flat iron that was almost hip length this past Christmas.
Lucia what did you mean about locks of love??? not that I would ever give my hair to anyone but just you know.


What I mean is that locks of love is a sham, they don't donate the hair to sick children they still have to apply and buy the human hair and it's still expensive, and those who they "donate" (make they buy hair) are actually children with severe alopecia, not cancer. They don't hide it if you bother to check but they don't bother correcting people on all sorts of media outlets and the general public who think it's for cancer kids, and that if you have long hair it's a sin and you hate kids or something. On their website it says so "medical conditions" then it specifies alopecia not cancer, and they let people donate under false pretenses and to me that's shady as H-E double hockey sticks.

from locks of love website said:

Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.

Read it for yourself

read the about section

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What I mean is that locks of love is a sham, they don't donate the hair to sick children they still have to apply and buy the human hair and it's still expensive, and those who they "donate" (make they buy hair) are actually children with severe alopecia, not cancer. They don't hide it if you bother to check but they don't bother correcting people on all sorts of media outlets and the general public who think it's for cancer kids, and that if you have long hair it's a sin and you hate kids or something. On their website it says so "medical conditions" then it specifies alopecia not cancer, and they let people donate under false pretenses and to me that's shady as H-E double hockey sticks.

Read it for yourself

read the about section

I also found this one right here.

but I am not really trying to turn this into a OT post lol before someone say something lol
AS a long hair stylist that helped me grow my hair once said, "Some people have long hair, but that does not make them a long hair person". A long hair person would not cut for a change because it is who they are even when they don't have it, and will continue to strive for it. That's the difference. As to Locks of love. There has been information put out as to their shady dealings for years. They sell the hair to wig companies, or throw it away and charge for the wigs they due offer to people with medical needs. Donating blood or money will actually help some one more.