Can ya help a sista out?


New Member
Hi all!

It's been probably a year since I've last posted. I had become to addicted to the boards and decided to cut it out of my life completely. But I just couldn't hold out anymore...

Anyways, I'm trying to see if anyone can help me. I am having some pretty bad breakage and I'm not sure why? My hair is 4b, natural and very kinky. I currently use cream of nature shampoo, aphogee protein treatment every 4-6 weeks (or whenever I take out my weave or braids). I use Lekhair's Cholesterol for a deep conditioner which I leave on for at least an hour. Between washings I alternate with S-curl and Surge to moisturize my hair. But still I have breakage. I seldom use heat. I may flat iron my hair once every other month. What am I missing??

I'm thinking I'm just being to rough with my hair because most of the damage occurs during styling. Can you help a sista out??
i have the same problem, chakira! same texture, same products, same everything....except i have never done a protein treatment....

im interested in these answers to...
Chakira I would cut out the heavy-dutey protein since you are natural. A few members have had problems with glycerin products (like S-Curl) causing breakage so you may want to eliminate that and find a new spray moisturizer as well. Same thing for Creme of Nature (I think its the balsam)
These products may not agree with your hair, and I personally think that the combination of the three is what is killing your hair.
I suggest you clarify soon and try a new gentle shampoo, conditioner, and spray leave-in. Cut out the Aphogee for awhile. Being natural you should only need such a product 3-4 times a year, if that often. Try putting Surge just on your scalp and not on your hair.
I don't wear my hair natural, but it seems that you're not moisturizing your hair enough. What I mean is the conditioners that you use are primarily protein as Dolce Dawn pointed out, LeKair contains a small amount of keratin protein. I would add more moisturizing condrs to your rotation and perhaps even a hot oil treatment every time you wash or at minimum at every other time. There are so many different hot oil treatments and moisturizing condrs to choose from. We discuss them all of the time in other threads or you can do a search. HTH.
I'm just going to add that along with the protein it may be the way you're manipulating your hair, if weaves and braids are your main mode of styling you're probably combing through your natural hair dry which is a recipe for breakage along with the protein overload.
Thanks guys!

I thought that since my hair was breaking that it needed more protein. I didn't know that natural hair doesn't need as much. I'm heading out to the beauty supply store after work and try to find a gentle shampoo and conditioner. I'm also going to clarify tonight (something I've never done). I have done hot oil treatments, but not regularly.

Thanks so much for the advice!
One more thing. Which ingredients should I avoid like the plague when looking for a conditioner. I know that I shouldn't use protein for a while, but I don't know all the kinds that are listed on the bottle

thanks in advance!
I stay away from petroleum and mineral oil (they coat the hair). I'd go for a deep condtioner.
I don't mind mineral oil, to be honest. Some of my favorite condrs and cremes contain it. I would experiment with some moisturizing condrs and see what you like best. Try some products out, make a note of their ingredients. If it's a product that you like, you might want to check out other products in that same hair care line or other products that contain similar ingredients.

For now I would try a basic moisturizing condr. Do a search, you'll find tons of them that are reviewed. Some of my favorites are Motions Moisture Plus, Keracare Humecto, Dove Intense Moisture etc.

Good luck and don't forget to tell us what you have tried and the results.