Can We Talk About Shedding?


Well-Known Member
Everytime I talk to someone about shedding they always say do an Aphogee Treatment.. Which honestly Im frightened to do.. But to me it would seem like Shedding for the most part is internal ..

IE.. I have been on and off of BC in the past 3 months and my hair has just been shedding like crazy recently, but I feel like If I started taking vitamins/msm, etc.. I would think that would have more of an effect than an Aphogee Treatment, I can see the Aphogee working for breakage, but not for shedding...

What do you think?
KhandiB said:
Everytime I talk to someone about shedding they always say do an Aphogee Treatment.. Which honestly Im frightened to do.. But to me it would seem like Shedding for the most part is internal ..

IE.. I have been on and off of BC in the past 3 months and my hair has just been shedding like crazy recently, but I feel like If I started taking vitamins/msm, etc.. I would think that would have more of an effect than an Aphogee Treatment, I can see the Aphogee working for breakage, but not for shedding...

What do you think?

I was talking to my cousin about this yesterday (finally got her to lurk on LHCF, she read Sistaslick's sticky about breakage). I think that shedding is internal as well.

In your case I believe you just had a baby (forgive me if I'm making an incorrect assumption here). I know that women can experience post partum shedding. Perhaps that's what is causing your shedding. I know there are several threads about that on here.

There are vitamins that I beleive you can take to extend the growing phase of the hair cycle. MSM is one of them, and Foti (chinese herb) is another. I'm not sure if you can take them if you are breastfeeding though. Please do your research if you decide to take vitamins. I am taking both of these vitamins to extend the anagen phase of my hair, so that I can allow it to grow longer before it sheds. Usually it does take 3-4 months before most people see the affect of taking a vitamin on a regular basis.

I hope this helps and that some others with more knowledge than I chime in on this thread.
Yes I did just have a baby, but he is 8 months old now .. I didnt think that it would affect me at this stage.. .. I was thinking it may be it and my previous shedding was due to needing a relaxer.. but hey, who knows. Im not breastfeeding so I can take vit's. I am already going to buy some MSM today. I will be taking the pill form though , LOL... What is FOTI?? I may need to do some research on this. I mean Im not sure if I want my hair to go into a resting phase.. because if I have to stop takin the vitamin then I will start shedding again, and that is just too devastating..

I think I am also lacking protien cuz I have been hearing snaps lately and I dont even know how thats possible, LOL.. ANyhoo, thanks for the advice

Jada - Yes that is my son when he was 2 weeks old..

RabiaElaine said:
I was talking to my cousin about this yesterday (finally got her to lurk on LHCF, she read Sistaslick's sticky about breakage). I think that shedding is internal as well.

In your case I believe you just had a baby (forgive me if I'm making an incorrect assumption here). I know that women can experience post partum shedding. Perhaps that's what is causing your shedding. I know there are several threads about that on here.

There are vitamins that I beleive you can take to extend the growing phase of the hair cycle. MSM is one of them, and Foti (chinese herb) is another. I'm not sure if you can take them if you are breastfeeding though. Please do your research if you decide to take vitamins. I am taking both of these vitamins to extend the anagen phase of my hair, so that I can allow it to grow longer before it sheds. Usually it does take 3-4 months before most people see the affect of taking a vitamin on a regular basis.

I hope this helps and that some others with more knowledge than I chime in on this thread.
KhandiB said:
Yes I did just have a baby, but he is 8 months old now .. I didnt think that it would affect me at this stage.. .. I was thinking it may be it and my previous shedding was due to needing a relaxer.. but hey, who knows. Im not breastfeeding so I can take vit's. I am already going to buy some MSM today. I will be taking the pill form though , LOL... What is FOTI?? I may need to do some research on this. I mean Im not sure if I want my hair to go into a resting phase.. because if I have to stop takin the vitamin then I will start shedding again, and that is just too devastating..

I think I am also lacking protien cuz I have been hearing snaps lately and I dont even know how thats possible, LOL.. ANyhoo, thanks for the advice

Jada - Yes that is my son when he was 2 weeks old..

Oh he's 8 months old! Congrats! Yeah I don't think post partum happens that late, but I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure. Foti is a chinese herb I learned about on this board from Ekomba, though there are others who take it.
Hey gurl! I had the exact same problem. Well I dont have any kids, but i just stopped taking BC pills after 5 years. I have been off for 2.5months and i figured that i would eventually stop shedding. almost 2 weeks ago, i got fed up...I bought some powder MSM (brand Trimedica from GNC) and have been taking 1/4 tsp with a large 30oz glass of water, that i sip on at my desk for 3-4hours. It has already curbed my shedding. My shedding is normal now, instead of scary shedding. Although when i was on the pill I RARELY saw a white bulb (shedding) hair. so i am hoping that i will return to that when my hormones settle. Before, i tried Emergencee, and you are right, if it's an internal problem a conditioner won't help. It helped for like 2 days after wash day and then back to alot of shedding. So i still take extra care to add protein such as keraphix or emergencee to my weekly moisturizing treatments. And I also blow out my roots so that me tugging on my nappy roots wont lead to shedding. I also use an extra amount of oil to my hair so it wont be dry. All this stuff kinda worked, but the MSM for the past 2 weeks has noticeably curbed it. I hope that after a months use that my shedding will be totally stopped. And the MSM is a 1lb bottle so i'm sure it'll last for YEARS!!! and i'll just slowly wean myself off so that shedding wont be a result.
My daughter is 7 months old and I have begun to shed again. I already went through the post partum shedding so now I am wondering what it could be. I am going to get my iron levels checked. Have you tried that? I know after I had my daughter I was a little anemic, but I want to see if things have regulated yet. I am going to try the MSM as well. Good Luck and let me know if you find something that works!!:)
There is definately a big difference btwn shedding and breakage. Shedding will happen as a regular cycle of hair life expand and you will find a small white bulb at the end of the hair, that can be slowwed down or stopped w/Garlic poo's and/or conditioners. Capilo Sole & Cinnamen conditioner helped slow my sheadding b4 also. Protein treatments w/help stop or slow down breakage, and I use Aphoghee on a regular basis to keep my hair well balanced in the strength area to prevent breakage and/or keep it at a minimal.
I shed a lot when I was relaxed and I still shed a lot now that I'm natural. Now if you're losing clumps of hair that's one thing, but it's normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day and sometimes more for some people. I think shedding is relative to your hair growth cycle too.

I tried the aphogee treatment once. I was going through a really stressful time in my life and my hair did start shedding what seemed like waaaay beyond the normal, and it was getting thin. I didn't notice anything spectacular and the smell was awful.
I did some research when I first went on the pill to find out about this. Ultimately, what I found out was that bc increases the rate of hair growth and thus the hair cycles/phases take place faster and more often. So in that case it seems like you're shedding much more. I believe your problem will taper off eventually so chin up. :up:
I'm glad this thread was started. I've been shedding in EXCESSIVE amount ssince relaxing my hair with Mo' Body Sensitive Scalp relaxer that burned half my scalp to a crisp (literally). My hair has not stopped shedding since. I'm not sure if it stopped while taking the MSM, but recently, I've been so depressed. :( Every time I wash, chunks and chunks of hair come out. I clog the drain so much and have to clear the drain every couple of minutes. :( I don't comb during the week, but the shedding is way worse compared to before.

My hair used to look so thick, but now it looks so fine and see-thru all over. I'm almost back to the same length I was last year after cutting it & my hair looks sooo anorexic now when I look at pics from last year. Thank God I had a lot of hair b/c I would really be bald by now. I really don't know what to do. :(
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From what I understood, is that if I was anemic during my pregnancy then I still would be after, I take iron (slow fe) anyways cuz it doesnt hurt to do so. Ill let you know, Im gonna try this MSM and see if that works :D

Congrats on the Baby!!!

supergirlj - Seems logical, I have been on and off besides my emotions being a wreck :lol: my hair shedding just made me start crying :(

MizaniMrs - Well Im glad, that inspires me to get up off my bootay and get some, I dont know though, I think I might need to start off with the pills.. My gag reflex is sensitive :lol:

Mom23 said:
My daughter is 7 months old and I have begun to shed again. I already went through the post partum shedding so now I am wondering what it could be. I am going to get my iron levels checked. Have you tried that? I know after I had my daughter I was a little anemic, but I want to see if things have regulated yet. I am going to try the MSM as well. Good Luck and let me know if you find something that works!!:)
OMG :eek: Im so sorry *hug*

What is Mo'Body, I never heard of that...

Im sure some ladies on here will give you the advice you need.. I feel for you girl, ....

secretdiamond said:
I'm glad this thread was started. I've been shedding in EXCESSIVE amount since relaxing my hair with Mo' Body Sensitive Scalp relaxer that burned half my scalp to a crisp (literally). My hair has not stopped shedding since. I'm not sure if it stopped while taking the MSM, but recently, I've been so depressed. :( Every time I wash, chunks and chunks of hair come out. I clog the drain so much and have to clear the drain every coupls of minutes. :( I don't comb during the week, but the shedding is way worse compared to before.

My hair used to look so thick, but now it looks so fine and see-thru all over. I'm almost back to the same length I was last year after cutting it & my hair looks sooo anorexic now when I look at pics from last year. Thank God I had a lot of hair b/c I would really be bald by now. I really don't know what to do. :(
KhandiB said:
OMG :eek: Im so sorry *hug*

What is Mo'Body, I never heard of that...

Im sure some ladies on here will give you the advice you need.. I feel for you girl, ....

Thanks girl. Mo' Body (I tried it in the beginning of March) is from Vitale & is lye, so I thought it would be just as good. I was fed up with lye relaxers burning my scalp so I tried it and it was the worst thing I could have done to my hair. :nono:

I wore a ponytail this past sunday. I used to always get so many compliments on how thick my ponytail used to be. This time, the people close to me who used to give compliments just glanced at my hair and turned away. I felt so stupid.

Maybe if I start back on my vitamins it will help a little.
Girl get you some pony's :)
Thats what I would do...

I see you tried ORS, how did that work for you...
I love it...

What are you doin for your shedding now??

secretdiamond said:
Thanks girl. Mo' Body (I tried it in the beginning of March) is from Vitale & is lye, so I thought it would be just as good. I was fed up with lye relaxers burning my scalp so I tried it and it was the worst thing I could have done to my hair. :nono:

I wore a ponytail this past sunday. I used to always get so many compliments on how thick my ponytail used to be. This time, the people close to me who used to give compliments just glanced at my hair and turned away. I felt so stupid.

Maybe if I start back on my vitamins it will help a little.
WHOA! what a revelation for me!! like i mentioned, i was on the pill for 5years and i've been off for 2.5 months. And i seriously got ALMOST 1/2inch of newgrowth in 2.5 months!!! I was trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I thought maybe it was something in my diet, but i couldnt think of anything. I started taking MSM and i'm going to start back getting my hair rollerset which seemed to promote growth for me. I just may jump on the MTG bandwagon. At least til my slow hairgrowth tapers off... Which i believe it will because if i recall correctly usually hair sheds when u first get on the pill also, it's because of a hormonal change = shedding hair....

And secredDiamond i am sooooo sorry this happened to you. I really am... that is awful...

Khandi, did u notice a slow hairgrowth rate also?
Supergirl said:
I did some research when I first went on the pill to find out about this. Ultimately, what I found out was that bc increases the rate of hair growth and thus the hair cycles/phases take place faster and more often. So in that case it seems like you're shedding much more. I believe your problem will taper off eventually so chin up. :up:
KhandiB said:
Girl get you some pony's :)
Thats what I would do...

I see you tried ORS, how did that work for you...
I love it...

What are you doin for your shedding now??

I tried ORS and loved it at first. I had some dryness but clarifying helped with that. BUT now I still have the shedding, which has gotten worse (don't know if it's because I switched to no-lye) & I have a nasssty dandruff problem (which I never had before) :barf:. I'm so fed up with my hair. I feel like my hair was so much better when I knew nothing about hair care. BIG *sigh*

Oh and by the way, your baby is soooo cute!! :D

@ MizaniMrs: Thanks.
Awww I am sorry to hear this Khandi.

The ONLY time I stopeed shedding like a dog is when I started taking a multivitamin+Biotin+MSM.

I hate to make you shove mass pills down but that's the only thing that worked for me and I don't know which one caused it. I think it could have been the multivitamin. From my research NOTHING topical can help.

But, a few weeks ago I stopped taking MSM, because I was tired of those horse pills and I started back shedding like I used to. I started back and it's gone. Maybe it is MSM in combination with the multivitamin???

I don't know what else to say but hang in there!
MizaniMami said:
Awww I am sorry to hear this Khandi.

The ONLY time I stopeed shedding like a dog is when I started taking a multivitamin+Biotin+MSM.

I hate to make you shove mass pills down but that's the only thing that worked for me and I don't know which one caused it. I think it could have been the multivitamin. From my research NOTHING topical can help.

But, a few weeks ago I stopped taking MSM, because I was tired of those horse pills and I started back shedding like I used to. I started back and it's gone. Maybe it is MSM in combination with the multivitamin???

I don't know what else to say but hang in there!
I agree. The only time my hair was in good shape was when i started taking my biotin(then i stopped and so did healthy hair:( ) so i decided to take vits again. So i went out and bought EVO pills,Flax pills,hair skin pills and said to myself, i hate taking pills, i can't take all of these!!!!!:eek: So i bought the Flax Oil(walmart), Liquid MSM(whole foods) and the biotin pills are tiny so i don't mind swallowing them. It is soo much better. Also drink plenty of water and make sure your getting enough protein (maybe add some tuna, shake,eggs to your diet, your hair is protein)