Suggestion Can we have a "Report Abuse" feature?

You can report posts by clicking on the triangular sign next to the post number to the upper right at each post.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is tired of the high school vibe around here nowadays. At least it used to be somewhat creative and funny a few years back, but now it's just corny and stalkerish.
^^^^ Thank you FlowerHair! I did not know that, nor had noticed the feature... I am gonna start reporting. As I said is getting really annoying.
i'm sooo sick of every other thread getting locked over some dumb :censored:
seems as tho every1 is so sensitive nowadays.
I truly have yet to see a thread that REALLY deserves locking :offrant:
^^^Girl I agree but there is just something that chaps my :moon: (lol) about not having access to a thread due to immaturity, disputing, disagreeing, whatever...Maybe certain members should be warned/penalized, but I just hate when threads go bye bye....i guess im going to have to get used to it b/c the trend seems to be continuing. :padlock2:
:lol: @ chapping your :moon:

I know. I don't really mind if a thread is locked for tomfoolery but it's when we lose information that could have helped someone if it weren't for a handful of folks hemming and hawing that I'm bothered by... more so the lack of respect for one another. *sigh*