Can we have a moment of silence


New Member
.......................for the detangling session I had to endure two days ago!!! LAWD, I thought I was gonna pass out with all the shedding hair and knots. AT one point I was literally ripping some of my hair out, it was so sad. The whole time, I'm trying to ask God to channel the spirits of my ancient Ashanti ancestors telling them to guide me through this! I know they had natural hair so I was like please send me some guidance in this process. OMG it was painful, too. Reminded me of when I was a little girl and my mom was tugging and pulling my hair to comb it. The whole time I could smell lye in my room, calling me. I think I was hallucinating b/c my scalf hurt so much. OH LAWD!!!

Thank you for your moment of silence.......just had to share.
Kimberly said:
This sounds horrible and familiar. How did you get the knots?

My hair just naturally wraps around itself. I think the clarifying treatment I did with baking soda (used to much baking soda) caused my hair to matt up. So they I had matted hair with little knots. I just had to laugh b/c this would only happen to me. Oh well, progress isn't always present w/o some setbacks.
I'm sorry you had a bunch shedding and knots and had to rip some of your hair out. I can understand your pain because I know when I get impatient, I will start detangling improperly which will cause hair loss (either more than normal shedding or breakage).

The key to detangling our nappy hair is PATIENCE. I'm still learning this myself. Detangle in sections, Hold each section at the root while you comb gently through the ends, make sure your hair has lots of conditioner in it and has good slip before combing through. If you run into a stubborn tangle, don't comb through it, pick it out with your fingers first. All these tips will help your next detangling session to be way less painful.

Take care and happy hair growing.
RavenIvygurl said:
.......................for the detangling session I had to endure two days ago!!! LAWD, I thought I was gonna pass out with all the shedding hair and knots. AT one point I was literally ripping some of my hair out, it was so sad. The whole time, I'm trying to ask God to channel the spirits of my ancient Ashanti ancestors telling them to guide me through this! I know they had natural hair so I was like please send me some guidance in this process. OMG it was painful, too. Reminded me of when I was a little girl and my mom was tugging and pulling my hair to comb it. The whole time I could smell lye in my room, calling me. I think I was hallucinating b/c my scalf hurt so much. OH LAWD!!!

Thank you for your moment of silence.......just had to share.
:lachen:@ ancient Ashanti ancestors and smellin' lye. Girl you are crazy as all get out! On a serious note, sorry bout chu hurrs.
sareca said:
:lachen:@ ancient Ashanti ancestors and smellin' lye. Girl you are crazy as all get out! On a serious note, sorry bout chu hurrs.

thanks sista! Girl, I was actually naming names like: Yaa Asantewaa, I need your help right now. It was a trip!
lmao. the thing is i know you're serious. was it from the twists? E, next time just saturate your hair in conditioner and have a spray bottle next to you nd go through it one tiny section at a time. it might take twice as long but atleast you'll have your hair. don't worry i did this freshman year and i ripped out a chunk of hair in the middle of my head because i was too impatient to work the knot out.

off topic: miss you girlie!
I feel your pain, I just did a henna job and I have been detangling for the last TWO HOURS, it may take another hour.

I have enough hair I have shed/broken to make a medium sized furry animal!

I did the same thing about 2 weeks ago!

I had gotten great growth from my cornrows, but after removing my weave and braids, I just got impatient. :confused:

I even decided not to "comb" or "detangle" until after washing - BIG MISTAKE! :( My hair turned into this these big lumps of shedded hair that I had to rip out from my ends. I was so mad with myself!
I don't have natural hair but I feel ya..during my last bout of stretching I just stopped combing my hair towards the end and my last wash b/4 my relaxer OMIGOD..all kinds of knots & twist..I won't make that mistake again
The same thing happens to my hair as well. It just loves to wraps arond itself. I wash myself and it shrinks like crazy and is SO tangled at the ends. Some people suggested that the problem was that I don't trim it enough. WHATEVER! My hair just naturally wants to do this. I have had to develop a lot of patience. But I am running out of patience. Sometimes, I don't even detangle with a comb, I just use my fingers and any tangles too small for the fingers just stay where they are. Good Grief!
Oh dear heavens! That sounds like a nightmare! The last time I had braids my hair was such a tangled mess with hella knots.... as patient as I tried to be, I did end up just ripping some knots out, because they were simply too entangled by that point. I was cringing as I did it, imagining how my hair was probably splitting in hella different directions. :mad:
That sucks... My hair gets hella matted/tangled when I use ORS Mayo... :(

If you don't mind me asking, how'd you detangle? Did you put anything on it? Did you work from the ends up? Just curious...
lol, I realize I didn't explain. I first i put suave kids datangling spray and that wasn't enough. So I put in pantene hydrating curls cause it has slip and my hair started cracking up! SO then I wet it and put some cholesterol. I guess my hair was just so knotted up.
But I didn't cry like one other time and my hair will be back with a vengeance, LOL!
omg I feel ya wholeheartedly. I cried so hard when I lost a handful of hair recently (due to alcohol usage and the section of broken hair that covered my entire palm.... which is crazy because I have large hands.) I cried so hard. I worked too hard on muh grass for it to come out like it did.

Thankfully it's not too noticeable since I've gotten my touch up. Girl alcohol and my hair do not mix worth a dang.

I'm sure your grass will grow back healthy and strong! :)
I get lots of shrinkage too. But I think that once the hair gets past the shoulders, you need to become more creative. I think that sectioning your hair in large sections after the rinse out, clip separately, putting your deep conditioner lavishly throughout each section, putting a large plastic bag over the sectioned hair for about 3-4-1 hour, then remove cap, clips and rinse in shower and then without drying, sectioning again for a combout of each section, clip as you go, makes a big difference. My hair is super thick with very fine strands so now that it is bra strap stretched, I can not do it the same way when it was less thick because the ends will wrap and cling otherwise. I also leave the clips in the combout until hair is practically dry, so that there is less problem with hair matting just from being PACKED TOGETHER. Then I do my oiling with my MN mixture and put it away till next oiling or MTG. HTH Bonjour