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I started taking GNC Ultranourishair in January. I thought I was seeing good growth results. I was noticing the growth because I had to shave under my arms almost every other day. But now I don't notice that. I am back to shaving my underarms every several days and I don't notice the hair growth like before. Do vitamins only last a little bit of time and then they stop working? Are you supposed to take them for a while and then stop for a few weeks and then start again? Can someone let me know if they experienced this? Thanks
I don't know the answer honestly, but this is why I'm afraid to take my multi everyday. I don't want my body getting too used to it to the point it no longer lives up to my expectations, if that makes any sense.
IMO, vitamins do not stop working. Rather the body reponds more dramatically with the increase nutrients early on, but after a few months, your system is more "balanced" and thus the results are less noticeable. I have been taking a series of vitamins/supplements for over 10 years and I believe they continue to work (whenever I stop taking for few weeks, I notice I feel just a bit more tired). I would keep taking, especially if it's just a multi-vitamin to boost your body's nutrients. My brother is a doctor and he believes that a good multi can never hurt - it can only assist the body in functioning more efficient. Just a thought.
I wanted to take a multi but I found that they made me sick. I tried two different ones. They made me ungry all the time and when I didn't eat right away then I felt nauseous like I was sick to my stomach. I would love to find one without these side affects.
Wolftrap said:
I wanted to take a multi but I found that they made me sick. I tried two different ones. They made me ungry all the time and when I didn't eat right away then I felt nauseous like I was sick to my stomach. I would love to find one without these side affects.

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You shouldn't take vitamins on an empty stomach, they will make you nauseus and hungry. You should always take them with a meal.

I had to give my body a break from biotin...a few months, when I started back taking them, I started getting results again.
OH I never took the vitamins on an empty stomach. I knew better. So I have not idea why I was feeling this way.
Your body will acclimate itself to your vitamins after a while. That why is best to skip a week each month. You can take your multi vitamin every day, but as far as the vitamins we are taking for hair growth, skip 1 week a month. Your body will start to use the vitamins that are stored in your body. It is sort of like dieting. You know when you diet and loose weight, but once you start eating like before, you gain the weight back quickly and then some.

That is the way your hair will respond. Give it a try for a couple of months and watch the first two weeks after t you start taking the vitamins again. Your hair will have a little jump start in hair growth. At least that is what I notice. I get more growth the first two week after I start back taking the supplement than any other time during the month.
wow Edie I am going to try that. I thought it was all in my mind that they weren't working anymore. I don't take my vitamins on the weekends. I thought that was enough. But I will do a week a month and see how that works out. So do you stop taking all your vitamins for a week or just some? I take B Complex and Ultranourishair. Should stop them both a week a month?
ANaturalBrotha said

I never had to stop. But everyone is different.

Precisely and I suspect that you probably have a very high tolerance level that never gets fully saturated. Sort of like a person who can eat a lot and not gain weight (I wish).
You know Edie I wonder if you are on to something cause I eat like a pig and I don't gain a pound. I'm thin as a rail and have trouble gaining. I wonder if this has something to do with the vitamins. Like my metabolism or something or the way my body absorbs things
Your body is probably burning up those vitamins just like it burns up your food - quickly. I would not be surprised if you could take 1.5 to 2 times the vitamins you are taking now without adverse effects.
I went on a vitamin break this month and decided to dextox.
I just wanted to give my body a break from all those vitamins.
I can tell a difference too felt tired and decrease in hair growth.
I mean you to incorporate other things too like. Winter months and how much breakage you have that may seem like something has stopped working. I recently lost alot of weight again. I've read GLA helps with weight loss and i take black currant oil which has alot of GLA. I lost so much weight i can't poke my stomach out.
I really believe for some people that their body gets saturated and then it's like "overkill" I get sick, nauseated and feel bilious when this happens. Since MSM is a detoxifier, I have to be very careful with this one. My maxi multi (Jamieson)will do me in real quick and the Biotin 5000 after 2 weeks, I got the worst breakout on my face...and let me tell you HEADACHES!!! sO, MY PLAN IS TO TAKE ONE PILL A DAY OF only one vitamin and rotate. Yes, that should break down to one Biotin a week, one multi, one half tsp of MSM and I will stick to 4 pantothenic acid a week. On the week ends, I will take nothing!!!Reason, when I get sick from taking them everyday, I end up off the vits for at least a week or 2 so I will just work with it. Hope this helps.
Your body closely monitors the levels of vitamins and nutrients that it contains. Mult-vitamins are beneficial if you are lacking certain vitamins in your diet. Once your body gets what it needs, it disposes of the rest--depending on the vitamin or mineral. Vitamins don't stop working, but taking vitamins in the form of a pill may not show any additional benefit if your body has already acquired what it needs. If you're like me and you don't always eat a balanced diet, then a multi-vitamin may benefit you. Also, keep in mind that there are many factors that come into play when you're talking hair growth.