Can Sulfur8 Affect Relaxer? Need to relax badly, and dying for some heat


Deep Thinker
Ladies, I applied Sulfur8 lite formula to my scalp yesterday and forgot to hold off on using it since I want to relax early at 5-6 weeks instead of 8-10. :perplexed I gave up on stretching since I feel like my hair breaks/sheds more. Plus with using all this sulfur and eating more protein I have much more new growth than normal.

I know stretching and no heat works for most but not for me. :nono: I'd rather wash, flat-iron once and be able to easily pull it into a PS and see no hair in the comb or fingers. But when I'm stretching and using no heat I see hairs on my fingers everytime I finger comb it into a bun or braid it down for the half wig.

I've been PSing the past few weeks with little to no heat but I have something to do tomorrow and don't want to wear the half wig. I'm afraid to comb my hair in its state right now because too much hair comes out in my hands when just using my fingers with moisturizer. I really want to look nice tomorrow night. It's funny that I only see the hair in my fingers when it's wet. :sad:

My question is can I relax tomorrow, two days after applying the Sulfur 8?

Is the pitfall to relaxing after Sulfur products that your scalp is sore? Or will it cause the relaxer not to take?

So my choices are to either:
Relax tomorrow, flat-iron once
OR wash and deal with tangles and more shedding/breaking trying to get it into a decent looking style.

Anyone have successful relaxers after using Sulfur 8?

I heard you can burn your scalp doing that. If i were you i would wash and flat iron and wait for like a week then relax.
^^^ LMAO Cream Tee at that smiley !!! :lol:

On topic my friend did this and she had burns so bad she had to go to A & E - Op please DO NOT DO THIS.

Wash (Clarify) it out and wait 5 days. In fact discontinue all Sulphur products 1 week before relaxing if you can.
I'm not trying to be rude but is there even enough new growth for you to be relaxing? If I were you I would wash it out,do a protein treatment then relax in 3-5 days
I don't know what the sulfur will do. But the oil in the formula will make the relaxer process slower. So your hair may come out a lot more under process than you expected
Looks like everyone agrees that I shouldn't do it. You all really scared the bajeebies out of me with the scalp burn stories. EEEK!! It's not worth risking my scalp just to look cute.

I'll just wash and try to do the best I can with the flat-iron tomorrow.

Thank you all so much for the quick responses!! :drunk:
yeah please give yourself ample time to wash, I would even clarify to make sure you get it all out.

I am speaking from experience. :ohwell:
No way in Hell anyone could pay me to do that, and I use S8 and MTG mix several times per week. If you read the ingredients, S8 also has menthol, (e.g Vicks Vapor Rub ingredient), which is a potent scalp and skin stimulator. It basically OPENS THE PORES. So glad you didn't do it! It's equivalent to washing your hair and then applying a relaxer to a damp scalp...maybe not as bad, but just like water, menthol opens the pores!