Can someone help my friend please


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies. I have a friend who is having a hard time with her hair. I touched her hair today and it feels like straw. :eek: Her scalp is extremely dry and feel scabbish (like after a perm). She has ordered Boundless tresses for growth however I have not been able to convince her to give up some of her bad products til now. Can someone please give me some advice to give her as her hair is so bad it is out of my level of expertise.:lachen: (She and I joke about it a lot but it is not funny actually). :look:

Thank you ladies
I dont know her regimen, but she can always just start out washing it more often and deep-conditioning regularly. If shes not already, no direct heat. Perhaps those things alone will help tremendously.
She washes once and deep conditiones once a week with Pantene relaxed and natural. She just got back from south africa 2 months ago and her hairstylist thinks it was the clorine in the water that has caused her hair to become so brittle.

Her regimine is:
Deep Condition
Wrap and air dry
Then flat iron or curl

She is trying to grow her hair out but I really want her to try to get her hair health first otherwise whats the point when it will fall out.
Right off the bat it sounds to me like she needs to clarify and lay off some of the heat.

Pantene products contain a lot of silicone and that can prevent moisture from getting to the hair if you don't clarify.
Tell your friend to try a new poo/conditioner combo. When I used Pantene Relaxed and Natural a few yrs back, it dried my hair out really bad. I think she needs to try a more moisturizing poo and conditioner.:)
shunta said:
Tell your friend to try a new poo/conditioner combo. When I used Pantene Relaxed and Natural a few yrs back, it dried my hair out really bad. I think she needs to try a more moisturizing poo and conditioner.:)

I think that this is the problem too but its hard to tell her what to change it too, but I think that she needs to try some of my Cream of Nature and my Kera Care Moisturizing Conditioner for Color Treated Hair. Is their a daily moisturizer or oil that I can suggest she put in her hair to soften it a little.
camellia said:
Right off the bat it sounds to me like she needs to clarify and lay off some of the heat.

Pantene products contain a lot of silicone and that can prevent moisture from getting to the hair if you don't clarify.

Thank you! I absolutely forgot to tell her about clarifying.
I used Pantene Relaxed and Natural 3 years ago and that stuff broke my hair off. It looked good when blowdrying and flat ironing, but the end result was dry hair. I eventually end up having to get a cut. I would suggest laying off the Pantene and find shampoo and conditioners that are very moisturizing. Perhaps starting off with Keracare...which is how I started off and my hair did a complete turnaround. Definitely lay off the direct heat.
Like everyone has said already, she should clarify. If she has had problems with chlorine, maybe she should try one of the swimmer's shampoos (I think Ion makes a good one) or one of those chelating treatments that's really going to pull out the impurities. Also, if she is relaxed, she needs to ensure she is not overprocessing her hair. I don't think she can really get a good deep conditioning with Pantene. I think Keracare or if she prefers cheaper products Motions would be a better option.