Can someone HELP me please?


Well-Known Member
I am recommitting myself to God after doing things my way for a while and I am having trouble with prayer. My prayers feel so scattered i feel like i'm forgeting things and then trying to add then in all day when I remember. Do anyone share this issue? if so what do you do to redirect this. Any help you ladies can give would be sooo appreciated. Thanks
birdie said:
I am recommitting myself to God after doing things my way for a while and I am having trouble with prayer. My prayers feel so scattered i feel like i'm forgeting things and then trying to add then in all day when I remember. Do anyone share this issue? if so what do you do to redirect this. Any help you ladies can give would be sooo appreciated. Thanks

Just relax...

"Lord, here I am...I surrender all. Lead me, guide me...I surrender all...all of me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

And then relax in His peace. Sing your favorite worship songs to Him, or whatever it is about Him that gives you peace...

Relax in His love...He's already doing the rest.
I used to be like that. But now I realize that pray is just a conversation with GOD. And I have them all day. Try talking with him as you would your very very best friend.
Don't worry. Practice makes better. Like any other relationship (though this one is the most special), the more you talk, the more you have to talk about. Just ask God to touch your lips.

I so feel your pain. I felt just like you do in the beginning of my relationship with God. What really helped me was that I started memorizing scripture and then would pray (converse with God) and meditate based on that scripture.

For example, right now I'm in love with 2 Chron 7: 14: I ask for the Holy Spirit to help me humble myself, pray, seek God and turn from my wicked ways because I want God to hear me, forgive my sin and heal my circumstance. I can stretch this out for a while once I get going.

Stay encouraged.
I have a hard time praying on my knee to God so what i do is I write to God. In have a on-line jounal in which I date it and just type away about what is in my heart for that day I can go on for hours this way. I also forget things when I pray on my knees, but when I am type praying the words just flow as if I am writing a book. The tears flow as I am typing and I feel God's presence. I normally handle all of my feelings on paper rather then in person.

They tell me if you can count how many times a day you pray, you are not praying enough.

So basically, if you forget or seem as though your prayers are scambled it's okay. As long as you are making supplication and praying incessantly as 1 Thess 5:17 says.

Also, he already knows what we need before we pray to him or even before we ask him for what we need but he wants to see if we are going to throw our burdens on him and have enough faith and reliance in him to carry out our needs.

So it's okay if you talk to him plenty times a day because at least you know you talking to a real friend who understands and who is able to fix and solve any and everything that you are going through.
Also talking to him all day strenthgns your relationship with him.

Very much like KALLY

I just write down the things in my mind I know I need to pray about and set there with my list and pray over and for the items on my list.

I'm a stickler for to do list so its just my obsessive nature. But be still. Sometimes to pray you don't even have to say a thing