Can someone hair type me please?! [PICTURES]

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
I've been trying for the longest time to figure out my hair type and to me it just looks like one big old mix of a mess, lol. Can any of you pros help me figure out what my hair type might be? TIA ladies!!! :yep:





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Thanks so far for the responses!

What exactly is the difference between 3b and 3c?

I had a feeling I have a mix of 3 and 4 but I wasn't sure exactly which class.
2 months and 4 days post, last relaxer was on March 3rd. I'm currently attempting to transition to natural.

The pics are of my hair with just some NTM in it. I've been air drying for like the last 2 weeks out of sheer laziness. :grin:
I say 3c with a small amount of 4a

Most of your curls are way too wavy and loose to be 4a. 4a doesn't make waves that size since 4a curls are only coffee stirrer diameter.

I do see some 4a in your crown area though. Or whatever area that is in the 3rd and last pic.
I say 3c with a small amount of 4a

Most of your curls are way too wavy and loose to be 4a. 4a doesn't make waves that size since the curls are only coffee stirrer diameter.

I do see some 4a in your crown area though. Or whatever area that is in the 3rd and last pic.

Thanks Neith!

Yeah, the third and last pic are my right side near my ear and my crown area directly in the middle of my head. It seems like if there's just a little patch of 4a in the crown and then its surrounded by what (judging by the responses here) is 3c.
No expert here, but 3c/4a


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would you mind sharing your cheddar bay biscuit recipe :lick:
2 months and 4 days post, last relaxer was on March 3rd. I'm currently attempting to transition to natural.

The pics are of my hair with just some NTM in it. I've been air drying for like the last 2 weeks out of sheer laziness. :grin:

I really don't think that's enough new growth to go by, but if I had to guess, I'd say you're a 3c.
I agree with NuMe2004.
At first I thought 3c because of the waves, but when you stated you were 2 months post, I realised that was relaxed hair.
Problem is, I did see some coils in the pics, but you have relaxed hair weighing down the new growth so I would not want to guess between any 3 or 4 hair type. I'm going into 5 months post and I believe my new growth is behaving differently because of the relaxer.
I don't think there ie enough growth to determine a hair type .
I agree with NuMe2004.
At first I thought 3c because of the waves, but when you stated you were 2 months post, I realised that was relaxed hair.
Problem is, I did see some coils in the pics, but you have relaxed hair weighing down the new growth so I would not want to guess between any 3 or 4 hair type. I'm going into 5 months post and I believe my new growth is behaving differently because of the relaxer.
I don't think there ie enough growth to determine a hair type .

I agree somewhat. The texture that she would have as a fully natural may look different.

However, it's plain to see that there is type 3 and type 4. I can see very small coils (4a) and the waves are definitely type 3 (type 4 hair doesn't wave up like that, it'd be much smaller waves)

I'd feel confident with 3c/4a for now if I were the original poster.
yeah i think we need a little bit more new growth to properly tell... but you wont really know until you BC truly, cause i thought i had a full head of 3C, na uhh! 4a city! cute little coils and cork screws.. and one 3C patch :)

Wow I thought I had enough new growth to even kinda tell. :sad:

But thanks for all of the responses and opinions, I'm gonna wait until I'm a few more months post to really critique it!!
I really couldn't "type" my hair until I was six months post relaxer, and I couldn't really see what my curls looked like until after the BC.
I'd say 3b/c. But you really won't know until you chop it off...believe me. Not sure what the front part will do. Sometimes waves will turn into curls, and sometimes they'll stay as waves.
Thanks so much for all of the advice and responses ladies!

I'm currently transitioning and trying to figure out what I'm in store for!
Thanks so much for all of the advice and responses ladies!

I'm currently transitioning and trying to figure out what I'm in store for!

Well I guess we're in the same boat! :grin:How many weeks post or how much new growth is necessary to determine your hair type? I don't really care about typing.... but I just hope that I am using the right products/doing the right things for my hair type.
Well I guess we're in the same boat! :grin:How many weeks post or how much new growth is necessary to determine your hair type? I don't really care about typing.... but I just hope that I am using the right products/doing the right things for my hair type.

ITA. I really want to make sure that I'm doing the right things/using the right techniques/using the right products for my hair.

Plus, once I finally do type myself, I want to search back threads on the type to get some more tips and stalk some more fotkis.

Otherwise, I don't care too much about typing.
Hi! we relaxed our hair around the same time, im about two months post and transitioning.

i have been natural before just a couple months before , so i know im a def 3c.

i had to glance in the mirror just now to compare, an i think your new growth is a little more "bumpy" or wavy than mine right now , my new growth is pretty much straightish. with a very barely there slight start of a wave, . plus when i transitioned last time, at one year my newgrowth looked 3b, but i ended up being 3c. so im thinking based on both our new growths that you may turn out to be 4a with a bit of 3c :)