Can someone explain what a "dusting trim" is?


New Member
Can someone explain what a \"dusting trim\" is?

Has anyone tried a dusting trim before. I here people getting them done once every 4 months or so. Can someone explain to me what it is and how its done. TIA
Re: Can someone explain what a \"dusting trim\" is?

it's when you barely get the hair trimmed , like less than an inch. where the hair looks like dust on the floor because its not that much!!
Re: Can someone explain what a \"dusting trim\" is?

I agree with Tami. I get a dusting of 1/4-1/2 inch every two months.
Re: Can someone explain what a \"dusting trim\" is?

Your welcome CEC
Re: Can someone explain what a \"dusting trim\" is?

Just piggy backing on Tami's definition, here is info from

"Ends can be dusted to remove splits. A dusting is where a very small amount of hair is trimmed off the ends of the hair. So little is removed that it looks like fine dust on the floor. When you take small sections of hair and twist them all the split ends tend to pop out from the strands. Dust by trimming just about the split ends. You can twist the strand in the other direction and do it again; you go through your whole head this way. You can keep a little ahead of your splits this way, it's time-consuming, but it can actually be relaxing."