Can some please explain cowash to me(the newbie?)


New Member
Please explain cowash. How it's done, How often, recommended products? Thanks in advance for your help.
CO wash is washing with condtioner only. Some people do it daily, others once a week or maybe even longer....You can use any conditioner you want, alot of people use the cheap condtioners for daily use like suave.
Hi, welcome to the forum. Some ladies will have different techniques but I cowash weekly depending on what I am doing, I will either

a. wash like normal just use conditioner and leave it on a bit longer because it takes longer to shampoo with conditioner.

b. apply to my dry hair to get better use out of my conditioner. The massage my scalp to help clean and rinse

Whatever you decide don't tangle your hair while washing because you will break a lot of it by trying to detangle.

I use cheapie coditioner like suave an VO5. I usually add an oil to it. Last time I cowashed I used a cholestoral conditioner and pantene pro-v but that is supposed to have cones in it which buildup in your hair and it's not good to have that but I don't care I use it sometimes and then just clarify which you should be doing anyway. Hope that answers your question.
This is so on point for us newsters to the Forum. You know, I have read on more than one occasion about the concept of "over conditioning" ones hair. Yet, I am reading such positive testimonies here that I have joined the challenge (well, mentally not necessarily cyberlly - I might be too late for that). But I'm with ya gals, and rooting you all on too.:yay: