Can shea butter get moldy?


Well-Known Member
I just finished washing and conditioning my hair, so I wanted to use my shea butter as a sealant...I ordered a lot of it a while back and I put it in containers..When I moved, I put some of the containers in a box, and the box wound up under the bathroom sink...when I pulled it out today, some of the shea butter was on the outside of the container, but it was spread out like little just looked weird...and on the inside, there was no apparent green looking mold, but it just looked a little different...I know heat makes shea butter do weird things, but is it possible for shea butter to mold?

I don't wanna put something moldy on my hair, girls! :help3:
You probably got some water in the container. Make sure your hands are fully dry before you dip you hands in any container. This prevents this from happening. Shea butter should last a least a year, if stored properly.
Thanks for those pics! Mine didn't look like that...but at least now I know I have to stop letting water droplet in my shea butter! Thanks ladies!!
The white dots on your shea butter may be due to it softening up then going hard again when the temperature varies. It's nothing serious.

On another note, never let water get into any of your hair products or cosmetics. It will reduce their shelf life.