Can Shea Butter actually SEAL OUT...


New Member
So I tried something new last night.

I applied shea/coconut oil to my DRY unwashed hair.
I put a lot of it on too.

I then put a little mist of water, conditioner, oils.
(Is this okay for moisture even though I put oils in it, I know oils are not moisturizers)

I did the whole dryer thing...

Then came from under it after like 45 mins...

Doing things in this order, could the initial application of shea actually have sealed OUT the moisture?

I tried it like this just to experiment.
I've heard of people using shea as their DC, but they #1 did it on wet/damp hair and #2 they didn't apply as much as I did...

Should i wash my hair, MOISTURIZE, then use the shea/coconut as a moisture/sealer? Or is it more of a sealer once used on wet hair?

Desperate need of help , thanks!
Your dcing with this mix? How did your hair feel afterward? Did it feel more moisturized? Even if an oil or butter seals it is not going to be like this big concrete wall that keeps everything in or out. And whatever seal it does give won't last forever.

If your hair felt great after doing it than keep doing it. If not try the water mix first than do the shea butter and coconut mix over that.
I like to warm up shea butter and mix it into pre-poos and DC's. I generally use shea butter as a sealant, though. Some people rave about it being very moisturizing for their hair, but I've noticed when it's applied to the skin and the skin is wet, the shea butter creates a barrier between the water and the skin, leaving droplets. Why wouldn't it do this to the hair? Eventually after it dries, the skin does feel moist. But this leads me to believe that shea butter CAN seal out moisture as well as sealing it in. I understand that hair and skin make-up differ, but the point here is that it does repel moisture (water).

I have very fine strands and too much of the shea butter on my hair can really weigh it down and make it feel really gross, oily, filmy, coated. However, in the right amount I've observed good results. I just wouldn't trust shea butter ALONE as a moisturizer, especially on chemically treated hair, such as mine.

When I use SB, I make sure it goes on top of a water-based moisturizer, like Giovanni Direct-Leave In. HTH