Can Roux Porosity control conditioner be used on natural hair?

Hey sheba1 thank you so much! I was hoping you would come back and answer! Thanks for not abandoning me lol. Ill let you know how it turns out X
I'd used Roux Porosity Control for years before going natural, and have still been using it ever since. I love it on my natural hair and use it pretty regularly.

It helps keep my cuticle smooth and helps my hair retain moisture better. I love it.
Ok well i used this stuff and I hate it. I prepooed, used the PC and the instant i put it on my hair i knew i was not going to like it. It felt like i was rubbing my wet hand down a window or mirror. I could feel my hair squeeking it was horrid. I also left it on way to long. I got a phone call and figured it would not matter because it was just conditioner. WRONG. I used the Ion pack that I had and then deep conditioned. I saw more broken hairs than i have seen my whole natural journey (since a little before june maybe). It was as if i combed my hair with a rat tail comb. So the next I put raw eggs and olive oil on my hair, washed it again, used a rinse out conditioner, deep conditioned and tried it again just to see if it worked differently. Breakage city. My hair has never been so tangled.Ever. So im not going to sweat it, at least i figured this out now instead of later and lost a lot of length. I did loose length, but nothing i can do. But i did learn that my hair can tolerate protein.
That is like the oddest thing ever, Sparkle. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you but I can't see anything about PC that would cause breakage. Like nothing at all. You did a prepoo and the PC? Did you clarify your hair first as was suggested earlier? Shampoo?
I am having some issues with dry hair. I have some pretty good products so im thinking something else is responsible for my dry hair. I dont have a perm obviously, i dont straighten my hair or do anything unnatural that could cause dryness. All i do is co wash my hair, use a nice leave in and braid it up. Non of my products have protein in them so that cant be it either. I dont seal my hair with oils, because my hair doesnt like oils and I dont need to seal. I deep condition twice a week and rarely use shampoo, yet i still have dry hair. Any suggestions anyone?

I have a friend who is a beautician and you can use Porosity Control as a deep conditioner. You can use it on your natural hair and go under the dryer for further penetration and then rinse in cool water.
I actually read another post with another girl saying it tangeled and broke her hair. But maybe it was the protein? Im not sure but my hair didnt feel bad when I have rinsed potein, except for coconut oil, then the name and tail which put me of to protein to begin with. Maybe i just dont know what im doing, i am still very new and just appreciate all advise i get because it all helps, even if something doesnt work for me. But the protein felt good to my hair, I just dont want to add too much and cause breakage from overload. I used this on my moms hair like i do with every thing i used and she had positive results. I will say that my hair feels better as far as touching it. But i did see massive breakage. Ill get this right i know i will eventually:)
Thank you Sheba so much X I think you were right when you said it sounds more like a protein deficiceny than a porosity issue. What about cream of nature PC? It could be that my hair aint use to chemicals since i started my HHJ
You probably have wax build up from all the co washing. If you don't remove it, it can cause dryness and dreads. Wash your hair w/ some shampoo every so often OR comb it. You need to stop the wax from building up on you. Adding more product w/ this problem will make it far worse, IMHO.

So what if youre using products that arent suppose to cause build up? Doesnt matter? Im open ears here:)
Ok well i used this stuff and I hate it. I prepooed, used the PC and the instant i put it on my hair i knew i was not going to like it. It felt like i was rubbing my wet hand down a window or mirror. I could feel my hair squeeking it was horrid. I also left it on way to long. I got a phone call and figured it would not matter because it was just conditioner. WRONG. I used the Ion pack that I had and then deep conditioned. I saw more broken hairs than i have seen my whole natural journey (since a little before june maybe). It was as if i combed my hair with a rat tail comb. So the next I put raw eggs and olive oil on my hair, washed it again, used a rinse out conditioner, deep conditioned and tried it again just to see if it worked differently. Breakage city. My hair has never been so tangled.Ever. So im not going to sweat it, at least i figured this out now instead of later and lost a lot of length. I did loose length, but nothing i can do. But i did learn that my hair can tolerate protein.

Just wanted to chime in quickly.

One of the first responders mentioned you clarifying to get rid of what may be in your hair from co-washing...and maybe you did shampoo in the regimen you outlined above, but it's not mentioned.

I really want to TA with everyone who mentioned clarifying with a good clarifying shampoo and THEN using PC before your next condition. The way you outlined what you did, it reads like you pre-pooed with oil and then used Porosity Control, skipping the shampoo. If you clarify, you can start with a blank state.

I am also natural, and PC has only benefited my hair and helped it receive moisture and protein better. I hope you have found what you needed since the original post

That is like the oddest thing ever, Sparkle. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you but I can't see anything about PC that would cause breakage. Like nothing at all. You did a prepoo and the PC? Did you clarify your hair first as was suggested earlier? Shampoo?

Hi Sheba1, sorry i been away from the computer for a while. Yeah i did shampoo my hair. Sorry i probably should have mentioned that. I used Qhemets Egyptian wheatgrass shampoo:)

Im learning a lot and im on the way. I already am noticing longer hair. I thought mine simply didnt grow until i found you ladies on this site. So im bound to make some mistakes and learn new things about my hair :) Im just happy you are all here for me. Ill keep you all posted on my progress and ill probably be asking some more questions about protein LOL. Cuz it was not that bad and like i said before, i think you were right Sheba when you said it sounded like protein issues, not poroisity:)
sparkle PC is NOT a protein product from what I understand. It's to close off the cuticle to keep the moisture in as opposed to temporarily fusing w/ the hair itself. From what other posters say, this product has VERY specific directions that should be followed to the letter.

Protein is very good actually, you just need to your moisture condish IMMEDIATELY afterwards. You don't need to use it all the time either. Use it maybe at 2wk-1month intervals or as needed. You'll learn your hair and what it needs and when as you go along.

Thanks for that info. I have no hard feelings about this, it was just a mistake and the bottle does say its used for permed hair/chemical shock or whatever. You guys no what it says. I didnt use it as it was directed on the bottle, so how can i be mad? Thanks girls XXX
Thanks Sheba1!!! You saved my hair!

Hey there, Sparkle, do you use protein, at all? If no, you should definitely add it in the mix somewhere. Even if it's just a tad. I love the clarifying conditioners at Vo5 also, but try to mix it up and also using moisturizing and protein rich conditioners, too. For protein cons I like Vo5 split ender, mane n tail conditioner, and aphogee two minute reconstructor (I do not use this one for cowashing though. More on that later)

The thing that let's me know that my hair needs porosity help is tangling. My hair acts a fool if I'm not keeping moisture protein balance in check and forgetting about porosity. The first time this happened, I was cowashing daily and my hair was moist most of the time in a wet bun. It did fine for months until I'd switched up conditioners and was using suave vanilla floral daily (loved the scent); but after several days of this conditioner, my hair had severe matting in the center of my crown during my weekly detangle. I was confused! My hair had never done this before. So I searched the boards for solutions and found out about porosity. That changed everything!

The best thing ever was that I found out about the 17 minute miracle by Joico. I didn't buy it but I did impliment it's steps.

porosity - I use porosity control; helps the cuticles to lay as they should and will create amazing slip of the likes you've never seen
reconstruct - I use aphogee 2 minute reconstructor. I feel this reinforces the cuticles laying flat
deep condition
enjoy your buttery hair! Wait, is that one of the steps? No matter, it's always what follows after the above steps :giggle:

I do these steps every week and moisture or tangles haven't been an issue since. Give it a shot!

I don't do it when I co wash unless I use suave condtioners. No need for a repeat of what happened last time, eh?

hope this helps, Sparkle. let me know if you need anything more of have other questions.

:grin: The above instructions saved my hair!!! Thanks so much for this post. I dyed my hair 8 months ago and the dyed hair (with developer ) has been a beast to deal with- hard, tangly, rough. I used this method as perscribed and my hair has been great. Thanks again!
Re: Thanks Sheba1!!! You saved my hair!

:grin: The above instructions saved my hair!!! Thanks so much for this post. I dyed my hair 8 months ago and the dyed hair (with developer ) has been a beast to deal with- hard, tangly, rough. I used this method as perscribed and my hair has been great. Thanks again!

OMG Dlove, I'm so glad it helped you! Wow, you really made my day :yep: