Can Protein come AFTER moisture?


New Member
Hi Ladies,

This question is for our resident protein/moisture experts.

I love Motions Silk Protein but like the name says it's protein so not moisturizing at all. BUT it leaves my hair tangle free and with just a flick of a baby brush my hair is smooth and swingy when it airdries. Last year I was using it as my main conditioner not realizing I needed moisture since it is not a moisturizing conditioner. It made my hair drier over that year but I'm not complaining (I should have researched it).

My question now is...using this leaves my hair very nice so can I do it as a last step or do protein treatments/conditioners HAVE to be done BEFORE moisturizing conditioners? I want to:
1. wash (CON or Vitale)
2. moisturize (Kenra MC or AO Honeysuckle Rose)
3. protein (Motions Silk)

Is that a good idea? Thanks :)
I've never tried protein in that order on the same day but many of us have used protein as a pre-poo as Macherieamour suggested. It's almost the same, just not immediately after a moisturizer and it gets washed out. Have you tried this with your Motions Silk Protein?
I don't want to try it if it'll have a detrimental effect later on. As I mentioned I was just using the Silk Protein by itself and overtime you could tell my hair was drier than it normally was. I don;t know if doing it this way will be like it was before. I usually do it as a prepoo BUT I like how the silk protein leaves my hair tangle free. I want that effect but using a moisturing conditioner after the silk protein takes away that nice effect I like.

ETA: I wonder if it would work if I mixed the silk protein with my moisturizing conditioner? Hm@
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A tradeoff would be to mix some protien into the moisterizing conditioner (this is what I do for my deep con days)

In my case I use Keraphix, I mix 2-3 tablespoons to a ORS Replinishing pak. (I also add a few other yummy things in there)

I've started using the hot wet towel method for about 15 minutes, (this method: I take a hot and damp towel and wrap it around my head, then put a plastic bag over it to hold the heat in) then I rinse with cool water.

This does work very nicely on my hair, as a once a week method so I would think that you could use your favorite moisterizing condish as well as the protien like this as long as you know your hair can handle the protien.

My hair loves protien so this way I can get both done without it taking all day.

I don't doubt that you may need to play around with the ratios, as my hair is not nearly as long as yours.

Someone said that Motions Silk Protien was more moisture than protien, I will see if I can find the thread.
Hey girl!

You can get your protein in effectively in a variety of ways! I don’t think protein conditioners or treatments just have to be done before moisturizing treatments or that moisturizing treatments must follow protein treatments or conditioners in every case. Some like to do their protein conditioners as pre-shampoo treatments before hand--- others like to do it the old fashioned way with the treatment following the shampoo and before the moisturizing conditioner. You can easily do it the way you proposed too, with the moisturizing conditioner first then the protein. The moisturizing conditioner first would probably help your counteract/lessen the dryness the Motions leaves you with, but still allow you to benefit from its detangling powers. This is why the protein conditioner as a pre-poo works well too, though the steps are different. You are still ultimately counteracting the dryness/roughness of the protein conditioner. I agree with the others,that if you are still worried try mixing your protein conditioner with your moisturizing one. Or just alternate the use of the protein conditioner w/ your moisturizing one from week to week and look to your leave in conditioner for that detangling goodness on your off weeks. :lol:

Generally speaking, it really depends on the product you are using. Depending on the level of actual conditioning the protein conditioner has (on the moisturizing side) you may or may not feel the need to follow it with a moisturizing conditioner. If the product leaves your hair feeling amazing, detangled and moisturized afterward w/o feeling dry later- I wouldn’t worry about following it with anything special. Its moisturizing properties obviously outweigh its restructuring properties in that case.

If the protein components outweigh the moisturizing aspects of the product and your hair feels strawlike or rough- I’d either follow that with something more moisturizing (traditional way), do the protein as a pre-poo treatment, or do like you suggested and do the moisturizing conditioning before hand. You don’t have to get your moisture from a follow up conditioner all the time either--- If the feeling of roughness is only slight, you can correct it with your moisturizing leave in conditioner or waterbased moisturizer step. Its totally up to you. But if the treatment is heavy enough, the old fashioned way of deep conditoning afterward may end up being best though. If you were talking about something very strong like the Aphogee for damaged hair treatment and its cousins,:lol: I’d suggest just following the instructions and doing it the old fashioned way. Everything else to me is flexible.:grin:
My old stylist use to call it a protein pak and mixed Humectress with keraphix and ENSURE by the old nexxus line. Used it for every wash ( every 2 weeks).
Worked well for my hair. I let it sit on my hair as a deep condition for 15 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. My hair was the thickest back in those days.
Thank-you :)

I'll try it as the last step for awhile and see what happens. I realized the reason Silk Protein was too much for me before was because I was also using QP's Breakage control serum (which I know know is also a treatment). So I was using 2 conditioner...figures.

Like you said if I notice it's not working then I'll mix the 2 conditioners and if that doesn't work then I have to go back to the regular way of doing things...conditioner as the last step.