Can oily scalp lead to hair loss?


Since you all have been a great help for me I thought maybe you could help me with my mothers problem too..

She has curly hair (3 type I think), and she used to have long and pretty hair. when i was born she had some shedding so she cut it to about shoulder lentgh. a few years after that her hair started to fall off, and she had to cut it v. short, less than 2" on top and shorter on the back.

her condition doesnt get better after all these years, her scalp is visible in most areas on the top of the head, and the dermatologist says its b/c she has oily scalp and that the hair "rottens in the root" (his words not mine) and thats why she has hair loss. his recomendations are to wash her hair every other day and to not use any kind of conditioner.

I question those recomendations because my mothers scalp does not seem in any way oily to me, and her hair looks always v. dry. The nape region, that is not as dry as the rest of the head is also the region where she doesnt get so much hair falling off. And she falls his recomendations without fails and it doesnt seem to be helping much.

Are you familiar with any similar cases, or could you direct me to any sites where I could investigate this further?

Thanks in advance.. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
One solution that I can think of, off the top of my head, is that if you aren't confident in his diagnosis, perhaps she should see another dermatologist and get a second opinion. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Ok he's a doctor and I'm not so I could be wrong here but I have NEVER heard of oily scalp causing hair loss. I have an oily scalp and I've never experienced my hair "rotting at the root". I think a much more plausible explanation is that your Mom is getting older - and sometimes follicles become less active with age causing hair loss and slower growth.

This would be true especially if she is experiencing any kind of hormonal changes right now.

HTH /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I also have an oily scalp, and I have never heard of 'rotting at the root'. Also, I have never experienced hair loss due to my oily scalp.