Can no longer do twist outs, matting hair, etc.


New Member
I really don't dry my hair loose. I used to put them in twist because they were quicker than braids. But recently the twist outs look a HOT MESS. The ends were frizzy and my hair be straight-ish and undefined. I had to switch back to braid outs. Does this mean something is going on with my hair?
MY REGIMEN: weekly

wash with TJ TTT (4 sections)
detangle with tj nourish spa condish
steam with EVOO and AO GPB or HSR/ or Aphogee 2 min
braid hair in 8-12 braids using Giovanni Direct, moisturizer
air dry for a day

my last trim was January 6th

Also, with WnG season fast approaching, how do you wash and detangle your hair? I find that my hair mats/knots up close to the roots or in the middle of my hair.

I think I'm going to go in soon and get between a 1/2 inch to an inch cut off my ends when I go to get my hair recolored.
I had this exact same problem last wash - my hair felt beautiful during the wash, but as soon as I stepped out the shower it started feeling... strange. Lengths were a little straighter, and although the ends looked normal but they felt... fluffy. Hard to describe but the texture just felt different. It looked different in the mirror too, from roots to end. A lot of definition had gone. I had changed nothing from my usual routine. I simply moisturized hard for the next two days and on the third day (yesterday) I gave myself a Wheatgerm/EVOO/Coconut oil prepoo under clingfilm/saran, then a CO Wash. Nothing else. Moisturized as usual, then spritzed every hour on the hour but haven't sealed yet - trying to get as much moisture back in as possible. I am keeping my satin scarf on and making sure no air gets to my hair.

It's now the fourth day since that extraordinary episode and hair is 85% back to feeling and looking normal.
Forgot to add that I was unable to put my hair into it's usual 4-braid style due to this issue.

From the mid lengths down to the ends, the hairs just wouldn't work together, wouldn't plait together, wouldn't even comb together. Even to run a tiny bead of coconut oil down to refine the hair did nothing - it was like each hair-man for himself or something! The finished braids looked bizaare - fluffy, half finished - as you guys say it was a HOT MESS!!!
When was the last time you clarified? Claifying usually bring back my tight curls after using so many styling products and my hair starts acting funky. :drunk:
I completely agree with BrownSkin2. When my hair is acting weird and my regimen hasn't changed, I need to clarify.

OP, did you shampoo, detangle, and use GPB this time around?
Thank you guys for replying! It's been a busy week for me. I do clarify regularly. I just went ahead and twisted my hair up and snipped my ends off. My hair looks and feels so much better. Stylists have been telling me my ends are fine (weird right?) but I'm happy that I cut them. I'm twisted up now and so far so good. I'll update when they dry.
i was going to say you need a significant trim.....i get more matting and tangles when its trim time. try staying on a trimming schedule every 3-4 months. also consider moisturizing/sealing 3-4 times a week. my ends look ok when they are blown out but just a pinch off the ends makes a huge difference in curl definition and no more tangles. when you do wash and go's don't do anymore than 2-3 days straight to avoid splits, breakage, and single strand knots.
SO my twist out today was great! I am realizing that either I have some some mild heat damage in the form of curl pattern loosening a smidgen or my hair just gets straight with tension. i'm not sure because it's always gotten straight when pulled back, but idk. Thanks for the help guys! I'm going to keep up with dusting/trims and baby my ends even more. I know it's the old color (especially the highlighted panels) that's at the very ends of my hair now. There's nothing for me left to do but trim it off over time.