Can NG change textures??? (transitioners/stretchers)

aloof one

New Member
:eek: Is that possible? Here I am transitioning for 3 months now and all of a sudden my hair switched on me overnight. This is probably a simple answer that Im overcomplicating but I was pretty shocked when I notice dthis?

Can you have WAVY newgrowth that doesnt curl (even when you clip off the relaxed end), but the next thing you know you find a bunch of COILS instead? Im not saying I dont like coils, but I thought I had these waves and was getting used to them and now Im getting used to something else. Has this/does this happen to someone else? I just want to know if its going to change again, or if Im missing something. Maybe its only wavy when I stretch it out and coils up when its long enough? Is that what is happening?

Anyway, I guess this was my main question... How long does it take to transition before you really know what texture you have?
Well to answer your question, yes, some people's texture does change on them while transitioning. For some the chemicals used in relaxing affect the hair under the scalp as well and it takes a few months for the affect to end.

Also it is possible that you've always had coils but like you said they were hidden b/c they were strectched. Or maybe part of your hair is wavy and part is coily. That's how my hair is. I have a big wavy streak at the crown, but other parts can appear wavy if I put my hair up in a ponytail.

ETA: I'm not currently a transitioner, but I did transition for about 18 months so I thought I'd respond anyway. Also, some people don't know what texture they are for sure until they cut off all the relaxed ends. And depending on whether they had a long or short transition it may even take a few months after that.
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it hasn't happened to me but i've heard about it. i don't think it'll make your hair change from 3a to 4b or vice versa, but there can be a lil difference in your natural kink as you grow out your natural hair.
It probably didn't change, it just wasn't enough new growth to form the coil. I didn't start seeing coils until about 3 months (12 weeks) into my stretch when I was relaxed. Before that it looked like waves.