Can MSM or Mega-Tek/OCT be too much? Advice please


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.

Okay, I have a mishap going on somewhere and I need to find out what happened.

I was using Mega-Tek and MSM for quite a few months. I noticed that my hair felt dryer and a little bit stiff from Mega-Tek use. MT, gave me good growth, but...

I straightened my hair out along the journey and noticed the hardness, but nothing too severe.

I noticed that everytime I combed my hair (I keep it twisted under my lace front) the ends looked like they were shedding in small round circles/curls. Well, I straightened not too long after that and noticed that my strands looked very thin.

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Any suggestions?

I usually moisturize my hair when doing DC's. Last week I tried protein and used Mega-Tek on the length of my hair for about 20 mins. Whew! my hair was super strong, but it feels very elastic. I don't think I will use MT again as a protein.

Not too sure where to go from here.

PLEASE help.
are you using megatek as a growth aid (applied on scalp) or conditioner (applied on hair)? ... megatek is a protein conditioner and if you're using as a conditioner you might have protein overload .... also, i believe most ladies are using it as a growth aid and are also mixing oils to help combat dryness it may cause by getting on the hair.
I applied it as a growth aid to my scalp for a few months.

I used it this last time on my hair, assuming I needed a protein treatment.

My hair overall seems dr, as if it has a salty type of buildup and overall dry.
I only used it as a conditioner once, and I hated the way my hair felt, even after following up with a moisturizing DC. I only use it on my scalp and I have had no dryness issues at all. I prefer getting my protein from Nexxus Keraphix.
I'm wondering if the MSM (sulfur) caused the problem.

Not sure whether I need protein or moisture treatments now.
Did you try clarifying? When my hair felt like that, I clarified and it was back to normal.
I clarify with baking soda and water after each MT treatment and I don't experience that "hardness" that you're talking about. Once a week I do it as a conditioner and I leave it on for 1 whole hour then clarify with the baking soda and then do my DC w/heat afterwards. Every now and then I use MT on just my scalp. And when I do it that way it's always mixed with my sulfur spray and oils. I don't know if it's the MT that's causing your problem but I'm sorry to hear it.