Can I wash my hair the day after a relaxer?


The Credit Countess
I know that this has been posted before but I can't find it. I got my relaxer yesterday and I really want to CO wash my hair tonight and roller set it.
I've seen a few threads that advise against using a protein conditioner within the first week after a perm, however.
I've done it.
Been relaxing for decades and never tried washing the day after touchup because always understood that the chemical needed a few days to "take". This may be yet another "myth" regarding black hair (like the grease thing, yikes!). I always wait at least 3 days before washing out of extreme caution -- don't want to "undo" my do, especially after the time and money spent. Perhaps I should debunk the myth and try washing day after to see what happens. I dislike that faint chemical smell after each touchup . . .

BTW, 4b relaxed.
i wash my hair after every perm if i dont get a pinup, because most of the time my scalp is sore, or the perm isnt washed out good.So far its been fine.
Thanks everyone,

I found the thread that was talking about post relaxer washing and I did wash my hair last night and it still looks good today.


I use to hear the same thing but I do think that undoing the relaxer is a myth like so many other myths.