Can I use this substitute?


New Member
Hi ladies!

I've been lurking LHCF for 2 months and this is my first topic post lol. I tried to search for this answer but cannot seem to find it. I would like to do a ACV rinse today but I only have White Vinegar. I am assuming this is more acidic than ACV (pls let me kno if I'm wrong). Can I still use this? My hair seems to have a problem retaining moisture so I was gonna do the vinegar rinse after my DC and this will be my first time. Thanks in advance for ur help :D
I actually prefer distilled white vinegar. As usual you want to make sure that you don't make any vinegar rinse too strong. I suggest making it very dilute and work your way up to find the right ratios. If you overshoot it will make your hair tangly
Ok great thanks Honi! I'm gonna mix 1/8 of a cup with 2 cups cool water and try that out. Thank u for responding