Can I use Olive Oil Glossing Hair Polisher after a Coppola Keratin Treatment?


Well-Known Member
Can I use Olive Oil Glossing Hair Polisher by ORS after getting a Coppola Keratin Hair treatment?
I'm not trying to mess up what I paid alot of money for.
NO, kupenda, she was a white stylist and she was not familiar with Black hair. I think the next time around I want to go to a Black salon to get my keratin treatment done.
BeautyBlvd I did wait the 72 hours and then washed and flat ironed my hair, however I am still wondering if I can use the ORS in my hair with the keratin treatment.
Once I wash my hair post keratin, I use whatever other products I want and it's fine. I do find that I don't need as much product. For shine I like to use Natural Essentials Healing Dry Oil.
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I'm thinking she didn't put enough Keratin on my hair because its not shiny like every one says their hair is!