Can I sabotage my own blessings?

Can you miss out on your own blessings?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other/Maybe -Explain

    Votes: 2 11.8%

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Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to ask this for awhile.

I think that God can bless me and through my own actions, I somehow sabotage it. I think this has happened several times and it makes me frustrated at myself.:sad:

Do you believe it is possible for you to miss out on your own blessings or do you think that if God blesses you, nothing can take it away or get in the way of you receiving it?
You can delay blessing and some cases destroyed them but all this is TOTALLY up to God since he looks at our attitude more than our actions on why we do what we do. We must remain close to him so he can minister to us if we have fallen. Even if we mess something up, if we sincerely and truly repent God has other doors which could be bigger and better. We can have what we say whether it be negative or positive so be careful on what comes out your mouth it could be blessing or curses on your life. The key to blessing is Jesus, Jesus and more Jesus. I see people who have been in the Church all their lives and not be blessed like someone who just came off the street. It is not about religion but Relationship with God.
You can delay blessing and some cases destroyed them but all this is TOTALLY up to God since he looks at our attitude more than our actions on why we do what we do. We must remain close to him so he can minister to us if we have fallen. Even if we mess something up, if we sincerely and truly repent God has other doors which could be bigger and better. We can have what we say whether it be negative or positive so be careful on what comes out your mouth it could be blessing or curses on your life. The key to blessing is Jesus, Jesus and more Jesus. I see people who have been in the Church all their lives and not be blessed like someone who just came off the street. It is not about religion but Relationship with God.

Star, this is a wonderful post!
That's a scary thought. I've wondered this SEVERAL times if I caused myself to miss it or was it just the devil.

I would like to think nothing can get in the way of his blessings but I have had A LOT of blessing blocks and I can't for the life of me think that it's ALWAYS me. Life just happens sometimes.

And what really determines "Messing it up"?? I once got fed up with my old job because I couldn't seem to get ahead and I felt like i wasn't gonna get my blessing so i got bold and thought maybe God wants me to take more initiative and try i did and I quit the job and moved to a different city to start fresh and start over and not be complacent.

Low and behold, the opportunity that I thought i only had one time to get and didnt get it, came again right after I left and I wondered if i had stayed at the job, would God have given me that blessing and promoted me just like he did to all the others who were also in my position and were praying for it as well?

Did i block it by moving away? I'll never know...
You can delay blessing and some cases destroyed them but all this is TOTALLY up to God since he looks at our attitude more than our actions on why we do what we do. We must remain close to him so he can minister to us if we have fallen. Even if we mess something up, if we sincerely and truly repent God has other doors which could be bigger and better. We can have what we say whether it be negative or positive so be careful on what comes out your mouth it could be blessing or curses on your life. The key to blessing is Jesus, Jesus and more Jesus. I see people who have been in the Church all their lives and not be blessed like someone who just came off the street. It is not about religion but Relationship with God.

Wow. Thanks for responding! I'll definitely keep that in mind and process it. :yep:
That's a scary thought. I've wondered this SEVERAL times if I caused myself to miss it or was it just the devil.

I would like to think nothing can get in the way of his blessings but I have had A LOT of blessing blocks and I can't for the life of me think that it's ALWAYS me. Life just happens sometimes.

And what really determines "Messing it up"?? I once got fed up with my old job because I couldn't seem to get ahead and I felt like i wasn't gonna get my blessing so i got bold and thought maybe God wants me to take more initiative and try i did and I quit the job and moved to a different city to start fresh and start over and not be complacent.

Low and behold, the opportunity that I thought i only had one time to get and didnt get it, came again right after I left and I wondered if i had stayed at the job, would God have given me that blessing and promoted me just like he did to all the others who were also in my position and were praying for it as well?

Did i block it by moving away? I'll never know...

hmmm... See that's what I pondered on too. Then I was like, "No, the devil is the master of confusion. This is exactly what he wants me to do..." Then I think, "No, I have free will to act a monkey...I acted a I have to accept what happens and missing out on what was suppose to be mine."

I agree with Star now that I reflect on it. It's the way I see God and our relationship that has shaped how I feel about this topic. I'm more fearful of Him than anything.
I believe we can sabotage our blessings and it's called "free will". God may tell us to do something and becasue we don't know why, what's going to happen or just don't want to do it, we can miss out on a blessing,
I've been wanting to ask this for awhile.

I think that God can bless me and through my own actions, I somehow sabotage it. I think this has happened several times and it makes me frustrated at myself.:sad:

Do you believe it is possible for you to miss out on your own blessings or do you think that if God blesses you, nothing can take it away or get in the way of you receiving it?

I do believe it's possible to miss out on your blessings. That's why it's important to keep in good communion with God.
That way, you'll know his voice when he's showing you the way. ClassyND, don't be so hard on yourself. You're still a work in progress. God isn't done with you yet.
You can delay blessing and some cases destroyed them but all this is TOTALLY up to God since he looks at our attitude more than our actions on why we do what we do. We must remain close to him so he can minister to us if we have fallen. Even if we mess something up, if we sincerely and truly repent God has other doors which could be bigger and better. We can have what we say whether it be negative or positive so be careful on what comes out your mouth it could be blessing or curses on your life. The key to blessing is Jesus, Jesus and more Jesus. I see people who have been in the Church all their lives and not be blessed like someone who just came off the street. It is not about religion but Relationship with God.

I agree with star and would like to add that you are the only one that can sabotage it. The devil can't and your enemies can't. Only you.

I thought of Moses and all that he went through with the children of Israel, but because he chose to hit the rock instead of speak to the rock God would not allow him to go to the promise land.

Now once you get God to speak a blessing to you, then not even you can change that because his word will not return unto him void it will accomplish that which it was purpose to do. The life of David testifies to that. You may have to be punished for your disobedience and pay for your actions,but God will still honor his word. His word is not about you or I, but him.

Good post.
I do believe it's possible to miss out on your blessings. That's why it's important to keep in good communion with God.
That way, you'll know his voice when he's showing you the way. ClassyND, don't be so hard on yourself. You're still a work in progress. God isn't done with you yet.

Thank you for your post. :)
I agree with star and would like to add that you are the only one that can sabotage it. The devil can't and your enemies can't. Only you.

I thought of Moses and all that he went through with the children of Israel, but because he chose to hit the rock instead of speak to the rock God would not allow him to go to the promise land.

Now once you get God to speak a blessing to you, then not even you can change that because his word will not return unto him void it will accomplish that which it was purpose to do. The life of David testifies to that. You may have to be punished for your disobedience and pay for your actions,but God will still honor his word. His word is not about you or I, but him.

Good post.

Something to definitely think about. :yep: Yall speaking some real knowledge in here! Thank you.
I think if you make Him your primary focus, and the 2 Billion people who die and go to hell without hearing the gospel even once your primary focus, then God will bless you regardless of your inadequacies. No one who was blessed by God in the Bible did everything right. Abraham was a liar and had no backbone when it came to his wife, yet God blessed him abundantly. Isaac was a liar (Rebbecca was NOT his sister Pharaoh! Like father like son!:lachen:) and a wuss, and God made him wealthy and blessed. Jacob was a deceiver, and sissy, and God made a nation out of him! David was an adulterer and a murder and God blessed him. Solomon was an idolater and God blessed him above all men ever. Why? Because their primary focus was on serving God and serving His people. They did plenty to block their blessings but God still did it.

If you look to the Lord not for what you can GET FROM Him but rather what you can DO FOR Him, he will always take care of you. Pray, read, share your faith, and you will be blessed, if not on this earth, definitely in Heaven (and we'll be there longer anyway!)
This is a good post. I am thinking about this right now. I worry about misinterpreting messages from God. I wondering if I am being too "loud and distracted" to hear God's words. This scares me so much, especially now that we've been going through a rough time for months. I wonder if I have blocked a blessing or missed something. I missed out on two jobs this year and I wonder if I did something wrong or if He really didnt want me to have them.

But I remained focused on God and trust that He will guide me and at the critical points I will HEAR His voice. I keep the faith because even though I've missed out on work, financial support has stepped up in other areas so I think that God is in charge. But I can tell you it is really hard to wait in silence.

Keep praying and asking for guidance. I will keep praying too.