Can I renew subscription before it expires?


Active Member
It hasn't expired yet. I don't know how the system is setup, but I would want my renewal to count from the date it expires not the date I renew before it expires.
I cannot understand why no mods have answered this question. Its so simple. If I renew early will my renewal date stay the same or will it change to the earlier date?
i want to know too! why is it so hard to get a straight answer? this should be posted in a sticky somewhere. if there is, someone please point me in the right direction...
You can renew early, but I think your renewal date changes with it. Say your original join date was in December of this year. If you renew early next year in October, the new renewal date changes to October for the following year. Basically, you knock out two months you would've had. That's the worst case scenario of renewing early.
You can renew early, but I think your renewal date changes with it. Say your original join date was in December of this year. If you renew early next year in October, the new renewal date changes to October for the following year. Basically, you knock out two months you would've had. That's the worst case scenario of renewing early.

That's exactly what happens but you still have to delete the old auto-draft because it will still draw it out of your account.

I just did it the other day. My original renewal date was 12/20 (or something like that) but I paid my subscription early on 12/1. On 12/19 I got a notice I was about to be charged for renewal. I just went in and cancelled the old auto-draft payment (on paypal) and that was it!
That's exactly what happens but you still have to delete the old auto-draft because it will still draw it out of your account.

I just did it the other day. My original renewal date was 12/20 (or something like that) but I paid my subscription early on 12/1. On 12/19 I got a notice I was about to be charged for renewal. I just went in and cancelled the old auto-draft payment (on paypal) and that was it!

Thank you. That's all I wanted to know (2 months ago). Thank you for that simple answer that no one else seemed to want to give.
I just renewed my subscription today b/c I received a PayPal email stating my LHCF subscription was canceled :perplexed

My subscription doesn't officially expire until the 20th of this month, but I went ahead and renewed today, so now it'll expire on Jan. 4 next year.
I just renewed my subscription today b/c I received a PayPal email stating my LHCF subscription was canceled :perplexed

My subscription doesn't officially expire until the 20th of this month, but I went ahead and renewed today, so now it'll expire on Jan. 4 next year.
Same happened to me once-got cancelled without notice...:nono: