Can I put relaxer on my ends?

I know that it is overprocessing to put relaxer on the ends, but I started using a lye relaxer and i'm noticing how frizzy the rest of my hair is (done with no-lye). When i relax my hair i will have vaseline and conditioner on this part of my hair and i only want to process it for like the last 5 minutes. What are peoples opinions, has anyone done this?
I agree with others, I would not suggest doing that. I have heard of people doing that. Not a good idea.

You would have better results in the long run just clipping them if they bother you that much.

Or just deal with then ends for now if you want to keep your length and then trim then off later.

please don't do that.

ETA: Why don't you try really moisturizing those ends first? I mean really dunk them in moisturizer and see if that helps? Frizzy ends could mean that they are just dry and if you relax them it will make them worse. Never use relaxer to try to remedy a hair issue unless it is underprocessing.
well, thank you everyone. I guess i don't want to risk my hair being in worse condition and it's really not that bad right now so i think i can manage
Have you tried baggying? It's wonderful! :love: How often do you dc and moisturize? Do you use heat often?

When applying conditioner, really concentrate on those ends, make sure they get lots of attention!
No No. Please don't. That would make the situation worse for sure. I agree with everyone else. Find out why your ends look that way. Are they dry? Do you need to dust/trim your ends? Are your ends getting too much heat?

I have a friend who's ends always look a little frizzy, but her hair is long and healthy. Stay on this site and I'm sure you will find your answer.

Good luck to you!
I did that when I was relaxed and they broke off. Now that I know better I would just up my DCing and moisturizing/sealing if I were you.
Shamboosie says that you can do this the first time when you switch from no-lye to lye. (Apply relaxer from root to tip) After reading his book I switched to lye and did it. Nothing bad happened.

I don't know if you can do it now because you would have to know exactly where the hair relaxed with no-lye begins and where the hair relaxed with lye ends, so that you don't overprocess the lye parts. That would be really hard to remember, so it might be a good idea to clip. But, if you're really brave you could try it.

One way to look at it is that since you're going to clip off the no-lye ends, you're only risking the hair that you were going to get rid of anyway.

But, it's definitely a big decision and I think that if I were in your shoes I would just live with it, or slowly clip.
To tell the truth, I'm guilty of doing this. I did it when I was relaxed and I had some underprocessed hair (I was doing my relaxers at home and had tried a brand I didn't like). I know Jesus loves me because after I did it my hair seemed more evenly processed and my hair didn't fall out or break off.

I relaxed my ng first and waited until my time was almost up to relax the underprocessed sections.

This is going to make me sound like a hypocrite, but I don't think you should do it. If you really have underprocessed sections you want straighter you should go to a professional.
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I recently switched to lye and I applied the relaxer to my pre-relaxed ends right before rinsing it it stayed on for about 3 minutes...I had good results, but it was a BIG RISK....I've done this years ago which is the only reason I made the decision to do it again...but everybody's hair is different
Have you tried baggying? It's wonderful! :love: How often do you dc and moisturize? Do you use heat often?

When applying conditioner, really concentrate on those ends, make sure they get lots of attention!

I tried baggying like once, so i cant really say much about it. I don't use heat very much and condition 2-3x/week and moisturize twice daily but my hair is still really dry. I probably should try the baggy method again.
I guess I just need to examine my hair and determine if it's worth the risk, maybe i should try some other things first like baggying and see if my hair looks better, thank you all.
No. Slowly clip those ends off and moisturize them in the meantime. Silk proteins and cones might help with the frizziness. You can use a product like CSI (maybe the generic Sally's version) to seal.
I did that when I was relaxed and they broke off. Now that I know better I would just up my DCing and moisturizing/sealing if I were you.

Yeah, I did this once or twice back in the day. I would relax the NG as usual and smooth, then apply the relaxer all over for the last minute or so. It definitely causes breakage.

OP, just think about what the relaxer does. It breaks down the the bonds in your hair. You hair has different "layers." Those layers are what makes natural hair so strong. But, relaxing breaks the layers down to straighten out the curl (i hope that makes sense, I'm not a scientist or anything.)

If you put relaxer over previously processed hair, especially the ends which is the OLDEST hair, and has also been broken down from weathering, then you are basically stripping the hair down to only a couple of layers. It will be very weak and will break. It may appear smooth at first because the protective cuticle layers are gone, but that hair will be very weak.