Can I purchase Affirm Lye (mild) online?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where I can get this? I thought someone posted a link a while ago but I can't find it. I'm not due for my touchup anytime soon but I just want to have it ready. I'm ditching motions oil moisturizer after giving it 3 or so tries + the news I've been hearing about it doesn't encourage me to go out and buy a lifetime supply.
Let me know if you find anything

Here's the link.


Let me know how it goes and how long they take to ship. Good luck!! From all the great things I keep hearing about affirm, I think you're making a good choice. My next relaxer will be with Affirm so I can't wait to hear your review. BTW when are u due for a touch-up.
OHH MY GODDD /images/graemlins/shocked.gif this stuff is expensive!. How do I know if I'm purchasing the lye or no-lye formula?
I'm not due for a touchup until around hmmm May 17th (day before GRADUATION!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif) ...I'm looking into buying it now because I'm just obsessed about hair. It's my only obsession and I need help.

I'm still sporting my braids which I put in late Janaury.I'm taking a risk and keeping them in for 3 months in stead of 2. I condition wash them every 2 or 3 days (human braids) and I believe I treat them well so my hair should be ok. right? Well, whatever the case, they are coming out in April. I'm going to maintain my hair by doing the twist out/braid out methods (this is going to be hard with over 4 months of 4a/4b newgrowth /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif but I have curl activator to back me up).I'll be relaxing in May before graduation. I'm soo happy (about graduation) !!