Can I make Beyonce's hair color mine without having my hair fall out???


Well-Known Member

I loooooooooooooove her hair color in this pic but i dont do hair coloring because I am paraniod of having my hair fall out. Can someone give me advice on how to go about doing this? I only want my hair to be lighter in the front 2/3rd's of my head and the very back to be dark. Anyone that successfully knows how to go about hair coloring please let me know what to do. I would be going to a salon of course to do this because I can only wash and set my hair :ohwell:
You can do it but the success is going to be dependent on

A. How healthy your hair is now
B. You regime and up keep afterward
C. The process in which you will get there

Print this picture out and make a couple of consultation appointments with some colorists. Go and see what they say, ask how many visits it would take to get you to that type of look, their suggestions about if they think your hair is in the condition to do it and what mantainence the look would require. Go with the colorist that you vibe with the best, the one you feel you can trust to listen to your needs and work with you. Some even have pictures of their previous work. If the maintance for this look is more than what you had in mind then ask about different ways to get a similar effect with less salon maintance.

For this type of color, you want to get their gradually since its more than 3 shades from your natural hair color.
If you hair isn't healthy now then wait. Test your elasticity, porosity and protein moisture balance.You are also going to have to switch to a mild relaxer after you get color. Your new regime after the color should include using a shampoo and conditioner designed for color treated hair and more deep conditioning sessions. You also would probably need to incorparate clear rinses to help protect your hair cuticle too on a regular basis. Color treated hair seems to need a more constant stream of protein than just relaxed hair. Tracy had some great color advice and she colors her hair alot and it looks great. Artemis started a thread nto to long ago and Tracy stopped in with more advice and some current pictures of her hair. I think the thread was Support thread for Colored and Relaxed hair...something like that, you should be able to find it. If not I can bump it for you.
You can do it but the success is going to be dependent on

A. How healthy your hair is now
B. You regime and up keep afterward
C. The process in which you will get there

Print this picture out and make a couple of consultation appointments with some colorists. Go and see what they say, ask how many visits it would take to get you to that type of look, their suggestions about if they think your hair is in the condition to do it and what mantainence the look would require. Go with the colorist that you vibe with the best, the one you feel you can trust to listen to your needs and work with you. Some even have pictures of their previous work. If the maintance for this look is more than what you had in mind then ask about different ways to get a similar effect with less salon maintance.

For this type of color, you want to get their gradually since its more than 3 shades from your natural hair color.
If you hair isn't healthy now then wait. Test your elasticity, porosity and protein moisture balance.You are also going to have to switch to a mild relaxer after you get color. Your new regime after the color should include using a shampoo and conditioner designed for color treated hair and more deep conditioning sessions. You also would probably need to incorparate clear rinses to help protect your hair cuticle too on a regular basis. Color treated hair seems to need a more constant stream of protein than just relaxed hair. Tracy had some great color advice and she colors her hair alot and it looks great. Artemis started a thread nto to long ago and Tracy stopped in with more advice and some current pictures of her hair. I think the thread was Support thread for Colored and Relaxed hair...something like that, you should be able to find it. If not I can bump it for you.

Wow. Thanks for such an in depth response. Can you please bump it for me? Thanks so much for everything!!!
Wow. Thanks for such an in depth response. Can you please bump it for me? Thanks so much for everything!!!

I forgot to add, the exact color of her hair might not look good on you. I think you like the effect the two tones give. You could get a similar effect without going as light. On your consultation, you can get more feedback with what level blond beyonce has and if its even going to work on your skin tone. Maybe you can find a nice brown with gold tones that is half way in between your natural color and the color she has instead. It might look better depending on your skin tone.

I'll bump it for your :)
Hey gym, I always skip over the color threads because I never used it before but I have a question. The lighter you color, does that mean the more damage you'll get? meaning the more the cuticle will be lifted?
Hey gym, I always skip over the color threads because I never used it before but I have a question. The lighter you color, does that mean the more damage you'll get? meaning the more the cuticle will be lifted?

Well sort of....the lighter you go, the more of your natural pigment will be removed which results in protein loss. Plus the lighter you go, the more processes you have to do (like if you are a dark brown naturally and what to go platnium blond) which will affect your cuticle more in terms of being opened and closed over and over.

The new clairol over the counter kit...the Perfect Ten.......has new technology that for the first time uses "AminoGlycine: technology to remove your natural pigment without distrubing the keratin protein. As a result, the color takes faster (10 minutes) with MUCH less damage. I am pretty excited about it. It took them almost 10 years to develop this. It also has a lower pH than other coloring and controls free radical formation which can cause your color to fade faster. I can't wait for them to bring this technology into their other professional hair care products. I will be first in line