Can I just vent a little


New Member
For the past couple of days, I've been taking out my twists. I've reached the mid section (did the back and front first) and as as I am untwisting and unbraiding, the burnt part is caught up in my REAL hair. Meaning she burnt the ends of the fake hair where my real hair DID NOT end. I dont take out the scissors but I try to salvage the ends of my hair. But I can't so I'm ending up ripping a little of my ends out because they're burn...INFUSED...with my fake hair. Pissed? Yea

But honestly, I'm not even as pissed as I could be because I know my BT gon' handle that. :D

Speaking of which, my hairline is filling up nicely. I've very VERY pleased with the product.
Sorry to hear this:( . How many inches are we talking?
I have never had twists so I dont understand the need to burn the ends. Dont worry, In a few weeks or months you will back on track:) .
Lkaysgirl said:
Sorry to hear this:( . How many inches are we talking?
I have never had twists so I dont understand the need to burn the ends. Dont worry, In a few weeks or months you will back on track:) .

I'd say about half an inch to an inch maybe.

The burnt em so they can stay twisted and not untwist.
I am sorry this happened to you. There are about 20 threads about this, I wish I could warn people before they went to these shops so that this won't happen. It seems like these braiders don't care. They know what they are doing:mad:
I feel your pain. A braider glued my hair to the extensions with nail glue. I think they just don't care! I'm very sorry this happened to you.