Can I just talk about the goodness of God?


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon, my sisters!

I just wanted take time out to give God some praise!

I also wanted to thank you,
all of you for having been there for me during my trial period dealing with the guy I had been seeing.

If you recall, last month, I was praying and asking for prayer regarding getting out of a difficult situation.

Now, I'm gonna be honest with you all.
Even after all of that, after all of your advice, I saw him again.
I was in love with him.
And I still love him.
He is not completely out of my life.


God is my strength and my refuge!!!!

He has helped me to heal and He has restored my soul.

I am covered in the the blood of the lamb!

I had been soooo down and out, and soooo depressed, but I cursed those demons in the name of Jesus, and decided to put my trust in the Lord!

Therefore, I can see clearly now.

I am in a much better place, emotionally than I was just last month.

I know what's going on with ole' dude, and you know what?
That's not my battle!
God is gonna deal with him for the stuff that he's doing!

Thing is, he's no longer going to be "toying" with me, and messing me up psychologically.

I'm done.
In the name of Jesus, I am done.

And I told him so.

No more crying, stressing, wondering, worrying, losing sleep, pleading, begging, starving myself, smoking, pulling my hair out, over that man.

No more.

I'm moving on with my life.

Like I said, he's not completely gone, but I now have a new perspective.

That man is not the end all be all, you know what I'm saying?
I can take him or leave him.

But more importantly, I have a renewed sense of purpose.

I have put my eyes back on the Lord and where it is that he wants me to go and what He would have me to do with my life.

And I'm good with that.

I'm happy.:)

I am blessed.

Thank you all.

I KNOW y'all were praying for me.

I love you very, very much.

Have a blessed and prosperous day in the Lord!

Praise God!!! That is awesome!!! I'm happy to hear that your spirit is lifted and renewed because I knooow the feeling of not being able to shake someone but you just gotta divivorce them from your spirit :yep: giiirl, I'm still doing some divorcing myself. But "Though the sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning"!!
Yes, I know that feeling too but I can offer encouragement that God can bring you through. Now if I only can tell myself that in my circumstances.