Can I join


New Member
I know im going agains the rules by starting this thread ive started a thread here before, but i wasnt aware of the rules.

the rule that im crossing is, that Jesus is my lord, i know that you have to believe that to post in this part of the forum.

and i really like being in here, but i feel as if i might make some people feel akward if i dont believe like a christian:(

is there a way so that you can join the threads in this part, without having to believe Jesus is your lord,

I mean i believe in Jesus, just not that he is my lord.:ohwell:
Saida, you are one of our sisters and we love you. Here, there are no lines to cross and no barriers to exclude anyone. The Christian forum does not exclude anyone of a different faith. You happen to be a beautiful gift to us from God. Personally, I hope to prove as a gift to you as well.

Truthfully, we need you here, to help us learn and understand one another and to just be 'family.' Here you will find a place to share your heart and be loved for it, without be judged. We'll support and pray for you and your family, because that is what love does.

So with open heart and open arms, you are already a precious part of us. So to you I give a great big loving hug...;)

{{{{{{ "Loving Hugs" }}}}}}}
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You are right that this particular forum is a Christian forum and Christians are those that believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.

With that said, you are free to post as long as you are not posting anything that goes against what I already stated above. This forum is not a place for those that don't agree with Christianity to air that out.

So keep that in mind as you post and I think you'll be just fine. :up:
Supergirl said:

You are right that this particular forum is a Christian forum and Christians are those that believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior.

With that said, you are free to post as long as you are not posting anything that goes against what I already stated above. This forum is not a place for those that don't agree with Christianity to air that out.

So keep that in mind as you post and I think you'll be just fine. :up:

Yes, what she said!! :up: