Can I hotcomb texturized hair


New Member
My hair is now completely texturized but I still want to wear it straight. I plan on transitioning to natural but wearing it pressed most of the time. Right now I blowdry, flat iron and hot curl all at once to get the look I want (yes I know it's alot of heat). I'm thinking if I can use an electric hotcomb I can skip the blowdrier. Since the texturizer is a chemical (albeit milder than a relaxer) I'm not sure if would be good to use a hot comb. At the same time is a blowdryer, flat iron and curling iron any better?
You blowdry, flatiron and hot comb? I think that is a bit much. Why do you feel that you need to hot comb, as well?

2 of those need to be cut out or minimized, in my opinion. But, how often do you do this?
I threw my hot comb away (blowdryer too) when I came to LHCF. Hot combs and relaxed hair are not a good combination, IMO and in my experience. Texlaxing, which I do, is still relaxing the hair.

Have you looked into airdrying techniques to straighten your hair? Or even using indirect heat with a bonnet dryer is way better than a hot comb. :yep: Some of the ladies rollerset to straighten their hair, then wrap it for an even straighter look. Some are doing the silk wrap which makes the hair extra silky and with more body. These techniques achieve what you are doing, but in a much safer way for your hair. ;)
When I had a relaxer I was texlaxed and I never used a pressing comb. Blowdrying and flat ironing did the trick for me. If you want to cut down on heat I suggest air drying your hair in a ponytail or two braids, I started doing this because I hated the blow dryer with a passion (bad childhood experiences lol) plus it was just too time consuming. Once I started taking care of my hair better I learned that this was very good for cutting down on heat which improved the over all health of my hair. Also instead of using a curling iron you can do pincurls to get a curled look or use rollers.

So, if you airdry, flat iron and pin curl or use rollers you're cutting down on heat tremendously. Hope that helped.

ETA: I was a freshman in college when I started doing this and it definitely cut down on the time I was spending doing my hair. I could airdry it while I was reading or writing a paper. Take a break flat iron and set it on rollers (I didn't learn about pin curls until recently) either over night or for a few hours while I got some more work done. If you're worried about time that should help you a little as well.
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UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
When I had a relaxer I was texlaxed and I never used a pressing comb. Blowdrying and flat ironing did the trick for me. If you want to cut down on heat I suggest air drying your hair in a ponytail or two braids, I started doing this because I hated the blow dryer with a passion (bad childhood experiences lol) plus it was just too time consuming. Once I started taking care of my hair better I learned that this was very good for cutting down on heat which improved the over all health of my hair. Also instead of using a curling iron you can do pincurls to get a curled look or use rollers.

So, if you airdry, flat iron and pin curl or use rollers you're cutting down on heat tremendously. Hope that helped.

This is what I do and it has been great for the health of my hair. I never suffer from dryness or anything. I airdry (which is taking longer and longer every month :grin: ) and then flatiron. I then use Satin covered foam rollers daily to maintain an easy style that I can just finger comb.
chemicals and a Hot comb do not mix. if you plan on going natural from this state you could be damaging your new growth with all that excessive heat. (blow drying, flat iron, curling iron and now u want to add a hot comb in the mix)? that too much heat. Trust me i tried pressing my natural hair a lot and all it did was break and you have a chemical on your hair u may be setting yourself up for heartbreak. I am not sure what style your trying to create but maybe you should weave it up while your transistioning or braids. ( i cant imagin all this heat for one style) like some of the other comments i would suggest air drying your hair to cut out at least one of the heat application. what type of flat/curling iron are you using and are you putting it on the highest setting? maybe its the tools/brand. Also some of the ladies do a roller set that uses very little heat. If u must add another heating tool i would recc. that you prep you hair with some type of heat protector so you dont damage those pretty tresses. HTH
I pressed my texturized hair once/month with an electric hot comb. I usually airdried it first and followed with carusos or sponge rollers. I didn't have an noticeable damage from it.
sareca said:
I pressed my texturized hair once/month with an electric hot comb. I usually airdried it first and followed with carusos or sponge rollers. I didn't have an noticeable damage from it.

I have pressed my hair 3 times while texturized without any damage. I used to occasionaly use the straighten comb to bump curls in my relaxed hair with no damage.
sareca said:
I pressed my texturized hair once/month with an electric hot comb. I usually airdried it first and followed with carusos or sponge rollers. I didn't have an noticeable damage from it.

firecracker said:
I have pressed my hair 3 times while texturized without any damage. I used to occasionaly use the straighten comb to bump curls in my relaxed hair with no damage.

What's the name of electric pressing comb you used?
Step away from the pressing comb.. Ouch the breakage the heat.. yikes. I am not a fan of heat at all. But i do think that you can do it right, if it is for you. I personally like roller sets to get my hair straight. You can do a lot with them and they are pretty easy to do( well to me at least). when i was using heat, I found that blowdry/flatiron was plenty....
Platt or twist your wet hair, or set on rollers to avoid the blow dryer, and flat iron on the lowest heat setting that will straighten your hair, and use a heat protectant. If you really prefer a straight look consider texlaxing or going straight. That's my 2 cents. :)
I'm not trying to add hotcombing to my routine, what I want is to replace a couple of steps. I thought if I could hotcomb then I could eliminate blowdrying and the flat iron. I just cut my relaxed hair off so I only have about 2-2 1/2 inches of hair, I can't dry in ponytails, I can't wrap them cuz thier too curly and short to lay straight. Once I get them dry and straight I can do the small satin foam rollers but I need a safe way to straighten them.

I think airdrying, hotcomb and curl is what I'm trying to get at, just trying to figure out if an electric hotcomb is safe for texturized hair. I only plan on doing every 1-2 weeks.
WillyGWifey said:
I know a plethora of people who would agree to throw that hot comb away
One of them is right here...I will never use a hot comb again..if anything a flat iron will work just as well