Can I have braids??


New Member
I'm new to this site, but I have always wanted to wear braids. My hair is very very fine and very very blond, as I use to color them every month (my true color is dark brown, so I use chemical ways to be blond). My length is more than my shoulders and I was wondering if it would be good for me to have my hair on braids to succeed more length. What do you guys think?

Lots of kisses from sunny Greece!
yes but you need to make sure your hair is in good condititon by getting deep conditioning treatments and moisture treatments. and also protein trteatments to rebuild the strenght of the hair.
make sure the braids are not done to tight.
because your hair is fine i wouldn't recommend micro braids cause your hair might not be able to handle it. you could get pencil size braids
good luck
Thanks for your reply

Do you think I will be able to color my roots when starting brown again when I will be wearing braids?