Can I get some hair help? UPDATE :P


New Member
I started a thread about 2 weeks ago, maybe less than that asking for hair help for my hairs sudden rebel against my regimen. Here is the thread:

I tried the Baking Soda as JustKiya suggested and I have to say "Thank You!" that baking soda is the business! I didn't use shampoo since my hair was already dried out and shampoo seems to make my hair really dry, stripped almost. So I just put conditioner on my hair like usual and then while the conditioner was on my hair still, I put about 1 tblspn. of baking soda in my hand and rubbed my hands together til it got creamy and put that in my hair with the conditioner. I rubbed all that in and rinsed my hair as usual.

At first I was like :ohwell:, nothing, but as soon as I put my "trusty" mix in my hair (glycerin, tea tree oil, peppermint, water mix)about 15 mins later my hair was like butter!:lick:

My hair had never been so soft, EVER. I was scared it was about to break off or that is was mushy, it was soo soft. It stayed soft for about 3-4 days and then I put some moisturizer leave in mess in my hair and wore a wig and it got dried out and stuff so I tried it again about 2 days ago (Friday) and my hair is still soft.

I don't think I will have to co-wash every day with this in my regi. I think I can co-wash once a week with the Baking Soda and be fine.

My hair is so soft and moist, I am :drunk:- for real!

If you have not tried to co-wash with baking soda, you better!

Also just incase it is too much moisture I use my Giovanni Direct Leave-In which I heard was a protein treatment so I can balance it all out.

Please try it and tell me what you think! I am in love, especially since I can buy the huge bag of baking soda from Sam's for like $5-7 and it lasts for about 2-3 months.

I am just so glad b/c my hair doesn't cost much to keep up with I do use $7-8 condish but I now I don't have to use the shampoo so I save $7-8 on that and eveything else I use adds up to about $10 or so and it last me about 3-4 months. I am so glad! I know the cheapies hear me on this!
I'm glad that worked out for you. I mix baking soda with conditioner to clean my scalp; it's very effective.
I'm so glad that worked for you!!!

I'd suggest still cowashing more than once a week though, if you have any moisture issues. The BS will keep your hair free of buildup, but your hair may still need the extra moisture of the cowash in order to stay happy.
Of course, you know your hair best.... :yep:
I am glad it worked too! Thanks!

JustKiya- Eventhough my hair is moisturized co-washing 2x's a week would not be too much? I am scared it would break off from all the moisture. I think I will try to co-wash with just condish 1 day and then co-wash with baking soda the next time.

Since I don't use shampoo, I guess washing with baking soda would not be to harsh to do every week. What do you all think?

I am just so glad b/c I have never had hair this soft. It is as soft as baby hair.:drunk:
Thanks for this post. I need to try it. I've been having some hair issues and nothing seems to work anymore. Products just tend to sit on my hair.
Thanks for this post. I need to try it. I've been having some hair issues and nothing seems to work anymore. Products just tend to sit on my hair.

That's the same thing my hair was doing, it wasn't soaking up anything not even water everything just sat on it.

But please do try the baking soda and tell me how it goes for you. I really think this is the answer for quite a few of us who don't want to use shampoo or have too much build-up and don't want to do anything harsh.
