Can I get a witness?

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Okay-when I saw the uproar over the K-cutter comb a while back,I was like-"okay, what is the big deal over this rake looking comb? It is just a comb,plus I am doing fine with my plastic comb."
Well,well,well-I saw this comb in a nearby beauty supply and it was only 1.99,so I decided to see what all the hoopla was about. I washed my hair and proceeded to comb...
I could not believe how easily it glided through my hair! I did not have to section it off in small parts to comb it at all. That comb has definitely cut down on the time of detangling for me. It is a keeper for those with thick hair,fo sho. K-Cutter for Keeps!
You can get a witness and an "Amen" from me!!! That thing is GREAT!!! Specifically designed and developed for US!!! You know what?? If we had had a comb/rake like that back in slavery days - we never would have thought our hair was "bad" in the first place!!! This is a truly excellent product! For any one who is natural or transitioning - YOU MUST BUY THIS COMB!!! Great post!
I have to agree. Thanks to Irresistible's kindness, I got my K-Cutter about a week ago. It is THE best comb I have ever used. Detangling was smooth, and even dry-combing (which I usually never do) was simple. I was very happy at how little hair I lost.
I just got a K cutter courtesy of ArmyQT (shout out: thanks girl!) and I CANNOT WAIT to use it tonight when I wash my hair! I'll update after I do so, but based on all these raves, I'm expecting great things
I've been using the K-cutter comb for a week now..and I must say it is working great for my hair (Thanks, SassyGirl) detangles and it even parts my hair straight..I won't stop using this.
ms_kenesha said:
kytrona said:
Is it seamless?

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The teeth of the comb are metal and seamless.

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Can you get a witness? You got it!! My husband's been clownin' me for years over that comb. He just don't understand 'cause he never had a big thick afro

Shoot, once you go K-Cutter, no other comb will do!

Bree, it's a good comb for anybody, especially you with all of that long hair you've got.

Caralexis, the only place on the internet that seems to sell it is But they have a $10 ordering minimum, and the comb is only like $2.99.

I've ordered from them many times without a problem, but brittanic recently had a bad ordering experience.
bluehatter said:
I have to agree. Thanks to Irisistible's kindness, I got my K-Cutter about a week ago. It is THE best comb I have ever used. Detangling was smooth, and even dry-combing (which I usually never do) was simple. I was very happy at how little hair I lost.

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Im really glad you liked it (i knew you would)

Y'all, I just used this comb on my freshly shampoo'd hair (pre-conditioner) and it slid through my hair like it does when it's loaded with conditioner! This comb is the greatest ever!!!!! (100% better for my hair than even the Jilbere
Another item to put on my wishlist.

Reminds me when I was young we had a comb which I think was similiar that said 'sword pic' on it.
Nay and Irristible-where would I be without you two? I know-still trying to detangle my hair for about 1 hour.
hotshot said:
where in NYC can i find one? all searches thus far have been FUTILE!

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Ditto. I'm dying to know wher in NYC this can be found.
bree said:
oh jeez, now i really want one. will this madness ever

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Bublnbrnsuga said:
bree said:
oh jeez, now i really want one. will this madness ever

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.... now, if i could only find a place in s.fla that sells this comb
I think the key to finding anything as far as hair products is to not look. Seriously-when I heard about Surge and this comb and about how hard it was to find them,I did not go all over Memphis to locate one. I took my lil self to my neighborhood BBS and behold-everything I heard about was right in front of my eyes. When people are in a frenzy for somethings,they look right over a lot of what they want.
bree said:
anyone with relaxed hair use this or is it just for naturals??

[/ QUOTE ] Bree I use it for my relaxed hair it works really well.
The K Cutter is the bomb digitty! I ran out and got one after I lost a 4th of an inch (or more) of hair a couple of weeks ago while detangling. That comb went through my hair like buter on a hot biscuit! I'm in love with the K Cutter!
chewy said:
The K Cutter is the bomb digitty! I ran out and got one after I lost a 4th of an inch (or more) of hair a couple of weeks ago while detangling. That comb went through my hair like buter on a hot biscuit! I'm in love with the K Cutter!

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I'm also a witness. I have always used a K-Cutter. I tried other comb recommendations and always came back to K.