Can I Get A Hair Prayer Circle, Detangling Experts, Healing, & Hair Salvagers Think Tank?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,
Some of you may know me from that huge chlorella thread started eons ago. I just got out of the hospital and I need your help if you can!

I hope this thread can help others who may fall ill and have a potential hair issue but also address specifically how to prevent a possible disaster under way. I have tagged a few e friends, e respected colleagues, and friends too from the original Chlorella because I know that though this is not the only issue I'm facing, it is one that will make me feel better in the long run and prevent unnecessary loss of progress. And as I know you are interested in health inside and out, I'm hoping you can spread the word to others for possible solutions for hair and health. Maybe this can be a thread to whip hair into shape after health set backs too? There are many others I wish to tag but I just did a few because of my energy level. Please all respond if you can.

Back Ground
First off I was recently released from the hospital after a two week stay with a long recovery road. I knew something else was going down but my symptoms were multiple as I also had uterine fibroids and Grave's Disease. The good news is I don't need surgery for this yet. I think clean eating has helped. But the bad news is that it is another illness. It's chrohn's disease. I found out I had it because I could not keep anything down and in if you know what I mean including water. I was hospitalized to get that under control.

I am now on steroids and a bunch of things to treat flare stage. I will then start with all natural and pull back to alternative treatments but for now this thing has me in it's grips and there is no choice but prednisone and a host of other stuff they've given me. In the past two weeks I've lost 22 pounds. People are like YAY. I'm like do you realize I'm in hell:cry3:? I'm not trying to be a bobble head. And this is with steroids fighting their way to slow that and inflammation down.

What does this have to do with hair?

Well the doc thinks it's going to be several weeks still till I get this flare down and return to normal. That means more weight loss. That means more nutrients lost to hair, brittleness, etc. I have know for a while that my hair was just there. It was slowly growing, I kept falling anemic etc. Guess the Chrohn's is sucking out the nutrients. Everything I did before was to combat dryness from Grave's disease (thyroid disease). I am still happy that I ate right and natural all this time because the doctor says that the disease has progressed slowly so far but still when you have a flare it is something that will put you in a place where you think you're going to die. I vomited more in these past weeks than in my lifetime, and also diarrhea, and also the severe pain and aching ( pain worse than even my open abdominal surgery for fibroids). They gave me morphine and I was still in severe pain. Sorry I went off a little....back to hair....

I was planning to take my weave down late 2 1/2 months when I started feeling ill. With so little energy I couldn't take it out. And at this point I was like I am not letting an expert rip through it as I have to detangle. And I was like okay 3 months will be fine because I've gone there before... but then I was hospitalized and we're talking add two weeks to that. And now we're talking adding another half week as I had to get myself together before I could even type this all out. And just doing this is exhausting.

End result:
I want to do it in the next few days to a week. I know I'll be exhausted so I may have to do a little a day.

I need your help!:
would you proceed? I was thinking I need to wash it with a strengthening shampoo and conditioner, and let it dry. Then wash with some sort of detangling conditioner and let it dry (please send recommendations and I'll get them on amazon prime), then I'll use cowboy magic plus just for me detangler (which works at three months), or try one of those dread detanglers (please recommend). You know the ones where people who have locks even can pick theirs out with ease?

1)Do you recommend these stages or should I just try to take it out with detangler dry?
2)Would the extra washing at first help or hinder. I want to make certain my hair is strengthened but I don't want it to dread more?

3)What would you do if you were me? Is there any additional steps I'm missing?
4)Any advice for Chrohn's (natural/alternative)? Please answer any questions you have advice on even if it's not chrohn's. Any doctor recommendations in NYC for alternative health care? Or even Pa, Nj, CT and lastly I travel to los angeles too so I'm cool with knowing who.

5) Has anyone survived and kept all their hair even after four months in a weave? Oh and this is a net one. The second time I've had that one done. In other words is it possible to maintain all progress and halt damage after four months in a weave? If so how did you do it? What products (please don't hold out on me) and in what order did you achieve this. If you even went over three months please answer this question. If you know someone who did and they succeeded please answer this question!

I did not spell check this. I'm sure a lot is wrong with it but I am too exhausted so please forgive and just answer what you can if you can help. Thanks so much ladies! Here's hoping I hear from you!

@Honey Bee @BK Bombshell @yodie @CurlyMoo @nathansgirl1908 @naturalmanenyc
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I can not help with the weave question...but I have Crohn's, so I feel your pain, literally, almost daily.

The good news is that it's not the end of the world and you will get better. One time I lost 11lbs in a week; I looked great...but I was a mess and had to have surgery.

I'm not on steroids and my doctor and I had to fight with the insurance company about that one. I get nutrients infused once/month (numbers are better now and so it's going to be once/2 months) and that has helped a lot and my hair has gotten much better.

Not sure what type of Crohn's you have, meaning what part of your system is most affected, but I can't break down leafy greens or red meat. I also don't eat other types of meat, either, so I don't really follow too many natural alternatives. I can tell you what drugs I take; I'm only on one. My body doesn't break down certain foods and if your immune system is compromised you might want to be careful about introducing anything new and/or experimental into your system. I have a friend that wants me to juice...but if I drink my nutrients, they do not stay in my body very long :look:; my body literally does not absorb certain vitamins if I ingest them. That part of my body is basically useless lol.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
I can not help with the weave question...but I have Crohn's, so I feel your pain, literally, almost daily.

The good news is that it's not the end of the world and you will get better. One time I lost 11lbs in a week; I looked great...but I was a mess and had to have surgery.

I'm not on steroids and my doctor and I had to fight with the insurance company about that one. I get nutrients infused once/month (numbers are better now and so it's going to be once/2 months) and that has helped a lot and my hair has gotten much better.

Not sure what type of Crohn's you have, meaning what part of your system is most affected, but I can't break down leafy greens or red meat. I also don't eat other types of meat, either, so I don't really follow too many natural alternatives. I can tell you what drugs I take; I'm only on one. My body doesn't break down certain foods and if your immune system is compromised you might want to be careful about introducing anything new and/or experimental into your system. I have a friend that wants me to juice...but if I drink my nutrients, they do not stay in my body very long :look:; my body literally does not absorb certain vitamins if I ingest them. That part of my body is basically useless lol.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Right now they are just diagnosing me so I'll know more at upcoming appointments. Two said definitely Chrohn's one said he believes it is 100 percent but also needs a camera test as the final thing (a camera pill).

They did some kind of scan on my small intestine and saw the stricture things in there that are classic chron's. This is where it is right now only luckily. Though they say they're 100 percent certain (they say definitively they have no doubt, multiple doctors from the hospitalist to GI to the doc who reads the Intestine scan thing), I have to take some kind of camera pill for the final in stone "diagnosis" to show up on my chart, but three doctors say it's classic chrohn's and are treating me for it (and I'm responding to the treatment). Two said in stone that it's Chrohn's and the final said he will use the pill to say the definitive but it's the only likely conclusion. As such, they said they know it's Chrohn's, they're treating me for it, if it responds to the treatment (and it is), and then they do the pill, then they will of course put it in stone: Basically they can't go in and get a biopsy (which is one way to make a final say) because of where it is, but they can do a camera pill (I swallow and it takes pictures). So for now it's that they know what it is, they saw it in an intestine scan, they're treating me for it, and collecting evidence to cinch it in (the final being the pill).

But they showed me what a normal intestine looks like, mine, and then chron's and it is a match. They said it's pretty much set in stone but the camera is the last step as they can't get a sample of my intestine to do that the other way. As I was in the hospital, they couldn't do the pill in there. But will set it up at my next appointment. They started treating me with heavy sterioids in there, flagyl, morphine, and a bunch of other stuff plus steady iv because I could not keep anything in at all for both weeks until the very end. Now I am throwing up every other day (which is better than multiple times per day) and my stomach, though hurts, hurts less.

Regardless, it is slow going for sure. They said it's in small intestine. I think because I've been all natural, etc and tried to help autoimmune anyways from thyroid, I've helped to keep it from progressing fast. But I've had some annoying pains, and other symptoms that accompanies chrohn's for some years now coupled with nutrient deficiencies, anemia, etc.

From what I hear there are two ways to treat it: enhance, or suppress.

I think suppression may be a bad idea as I live in nyc most of the time. I think a suppressed immune system would be begging for some horrible cold/infection, etc. But Hey what do I know? So I'm thinking when I meet with my doctor again next week, once we talk about the road (as he says it's a long one from getting this under control to seeing what works for me, to adjusting eating ,etc)...I will ask more about enhancing immune system stuff. If you don't mind please let me know what you're taking and what part it's affecting (your body)? Feel free to pm me if you have to. Does the drug suppress or enhance? And did you have a flare and that's how they found out? How did you transition from all the hospital drugs to just down to one?

Sorry so many questions but I could and do appreciate the insight! Please forgive if I'm talking in circles. I just don't feel good and I'm not proofreading plus I'm on pain killers :)
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I have a friend that wants me to juice...but if I drink my nutrients, they do not stay in my body very long :look:; my body literally does not absorb certain vitamins if I ingest them. That part of my body is basically useless lol.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

That drives me mad. I mean how am I pooing if I'm drinking o_O? I mean I get diarrhea and...I just do not get it? Shouldn't that come out as pee? :angry2: I am laughing and mad as I type this because it just doesn't make sense.

I had iron infusions a couple months ago for anemia. This is making more sense. The body just isn't getting nutrients. I did notice for a few months I was holding my weight so easy and losing a little too. Now in flare mode we're talking 22 pounds in two weeks. I needed to lose weight but not like this. And with prednosone. People gain weight from it all the time. I have relatives with lupus. But I guess it's no match for chrohn's.

Might I ask how long do you go in between flares? Do you think you have it under control now? Are you in pain all the time? Do you take pain medication at all? Right now they have me on Hydrocodone and I can't function without it. I was just existing. It is better because before that I needed morphine. And now with hydrocodone I'm still in pain but at least I can eat and think without being painfully aware of my body.
Do not wet your hair before at least getting most of the tangles out.

I'd soak it in cowboy magic and finger detangle small sections and work to remove all shed hair before getting it wet.

Best wishes on your health recovery.
Okay. I was wondering if I was making a mistake by doing that first. Thanks!
Might I ask how long do you go in between flares? Do you think you have it under control now? Are you in pain all the time? Do you take pain medication at all? Right now they have me on Hydrocodone and I can't function without it. I was just existing. It is better because before that I needed morphine. And now with hydrocodone I'm still in pain but at least I can eat and think without being painfully aware of my body.

Sent you a PM, but I don't remember if I replied to this.

My last flare was two years ago and I think I have it under control. You figure out what causes flares and you stop eating it, even if it's your favorite food (RIP trailmix).

I'm only in pain if I eat something I shouldn't and it's only like a little stomachache that I can knock out with something warm to drink and belly massages. No pain medication; the pain is minimal. I was on morphine after my last surgery and I honestly don't know how I would've handled life without morphine at that time. It was only for 3-4 days, tho. I needed it every two hours.
I never heard of cowboy magic??
It's actually really good. I used it up to three months but I've never had a weave for four months so I just wasn't sure. I use it and just for me detangling spray. Sometimes I go all out and add knot today and one of them will get rid of the knots.

I was also wondering if I need some of that dread out stuff too incase of dreads. Has anyone used one of the detanglers that get rid of dreads? (This is to everyone not just @sweetvi )
I've never had weave but I'm no stranger to tangle prone hair. Use oil and/or a good detangler on dry hair. I like Mane n Tail. Let it sit for a bit then finger detangle small sections followed by comb detangling. Braid the section to keep it detangled and move to the next section to be detangled.

Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1 is a great detangler for severely knotted sections. I once heard of someone using it to take down locs.

Paul Mitchel The Detangler (you can get the knockoff from Sally's) is a great shower detangler once you reach that step.

But, make sure your hair is properly detangled before introducing water or else it will become matted.

Prayers for you and @Miss_Luna for healing and recovery.
Oh wow, Sorry to hear about your health :-(

I get installs and keep them in for 3 months, here are some really helpful items/tips that you will save your hair:

Rat tail come with metal tail (use the tail to get get through the knots and matted areas, it works you just have to be patient)
Afro pick with metal teeth (This works really well with kinky new growth that needs to be detangles)
Do not wet your hair until it is completely detangled
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Hi, @luckiestdestiny!

I'm sorry to hear of your health issues, and I'm praying for your healing and management of it!

I have zero experience detangling very matted hair, so I will defer to others' advice. The advice from others to NOT WET YOUR HAIR until it is detangled is really resonating with me.

I did want to mention a product and thread, however . . .

Possible Detangling Product Combo that Might Help

I don't know if this can hold a candle to Cowboy Magic (I've never heard of that product nor used it), and I don't even know if you can get one of these at the moment (maybe if you email the owner and explain your situation?), but the Soultanicals Slip-N-Slide Knot-Proof Hair Glide mixed with the Soultanicals Knot Dressing Oil Rinse works like magic on my hair. I was able to detangle DRY HAIR with it, though I usually dampen my hair for detangling.

My tangles can get very serious. As I ever improve my detangling method, I update the details about it here: https://blossomingfitnatural.wordpr...r-care-and-styling-techniques/how-i-detangle/

Also, I don't know how helpful it will be for detangling MATTED HAIR, but there is a thread where folks are adding their updated knowledge/skills/products/tools regarding detangling:

Also, I'm sure if you do a forum search for "detangling" and "matted" and "detangling matted" and so forth, you'll come across some good tips to add to the good ones folks post at this thread.

Wishing you the best, lady! I'm glad you are getting on top of things! I won't be able to reply anymore to this thread (I'm on a social media hiatus until December 1 but your thread pulled me in for a second!).

Take care! :hug2:
It's actually really good. I used it up to three months but I've never had a weave for four months so I just wasn't sure. I use it and just for me detangling spray. Sometimes I go all out and add knot today and one of them will get rid of the knots.

I was also wondering if I need some of that dread out stuff too incase of dreads. Has anyone used one of the detanglers that get rid of dreads? (This is to everyone not just @sweetvi )
Hi, @luckiestdestiny!

I'm sorry to hear of your health issues, and I'm praying for your healing and management of it!

I have zero experience detangling very matted hair, so I will defer to others' advice. The advice from others to NOT WET YOUR HAIR until it is detangled is really resonating with me.

I did want to mention a product and thread, however . . .

Possible Detangling Product Combo that Might Help

I don't know if this can hold a candle to Cowboy Magic (I've never heard of that product nor used it), and I don't even know if you can get one of these at the moment (maybe if you email the owner and explain your situation?), but the Soultanicals Slip-N-Slide Knot-Proof Hair Glide mixed with the Soultanicals Knot Dressing Oil Rinse works like magic on my hair. I was able to detangle DRY HAIR with it, though I usually dampen my hair for detangling.

My tangles can get very serious. As I ever improve my detangling method, I update the details about it here: https://blossomingfitnatural.wordpr...r-care-and-styling-techniques/how-i-detangle/

Also, I don't know how helpful it will be for detangling MATTED HAIR, but there is a thread where folks are adding their updated knowledge/skills/products/tools regarding detangling:

Also, I'm sure if you do a forum search for "detangling" and "matted" and "detangling matted" and so forth, you'll come across some good tips to add to the good ones folks post at this thread.

Wishing you the best, lady! I'm glad you are getting on top of things! I won't be able to reply anymore to this thread (I'm on a social media hiatus until December 1 but your thread pulled me in for a second!).

Take care! :hug2:

Thanks so much for the thorough details! I appreciate you coming out of e hiatus to reply :giveheart:
I've never had weave but I'm no stranger to tangle prone hair. Use oil and/or a good detangler on dry hair. I like Mane n Tail. Let it sit for a bit then finger detangle small sections followed by comb detangling. Braid the section to keep it detangled and move to the next section to be detangled.

Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1 is a great detangler for severely knotted sections. I once heard of someone using it to take down locs.

Paul Mitchel The Detangler (you can get the knockoff from Sally's) is a great shower detangler once you reach that step.

But, make sure your hair is properly detangled before introducing water or else it will become matted.

Prayers for you and @Miss_Luna for healing and recovery.
I keep hearing about paul mitchell the detangler. I'm off to order that one. I'm going to look into the maine and tail and hawaiian silky one too. Thanks so much for the help.

I think I'm going to oversaturate with a bunch of detanglers and get it nice n slippery before I tackle.....
Yes ma'am, the ladies are on it as usual.

BIG HUGS to you. I'm cosigning the no water to detangle. And please use your fingers.

Would you consider cornrows and wigs for the next 6-12 months? It'll make it easier to care for your hair and it's still low manipulation. You can even sew on the wig on the perimeter so that it's more permanent.

I wish you the best in both your hair and heath journey. Much love to you! <3
Yes ma'am, the ladies are on it as usual.

BIG HUGS to you. I'm cosigning the no water to detangle. And please use your fingers.

Would you consider cornrows and wigs for the next 6-12 months? It'll make it easier to care for your hair and it's still low manipulation. You can even sew on the wig on the perimeter so that it's more permanent.

I wish you the best in both your hair and heath journey. Much love to you! <3
I've done cornrows before. I'm thinking of it or some other braid design again just so I can get over the hump. The doc predicts that it will take a while for me to get to whatever version of normal Chrohn's will be for me and there are adjustments to diet, medication (what and what not to do if I want to go alternative, etc). So I know it's slow going. My goodness do I feel like a weakling right now. It takes effort to do everything.

I've maintained between mid back and waist and that's with anemia and thyroid disease (coupled with this leaching out vitamins, nutrients and me not knowing). I'm either going to be at waist or longer if I can actually maintain my hair or back to that in between length if not. Or shorter if this is a disaster. The last time I did a length check was in April.

I want to preserve my hair because I mean it would suck to have such a huge set back on top of this. It would make me feel like I at least am accomplishing something. I know that's weird but I did not think about my hair until now. And I think it's because I am starting to feel a little better (smidgen because really I still feel like crap) and I'm like: What can I do to salvage and make my life a little better? Well I can't do much about my health yet, and I have to minimize work, etc until I'm doing better (because I'm just so weak and in pain) but I do have some control over what happens to my hair. It sounds weird but hey it makes me feel better. I haven't tackled it because I'm just so tired. But I want to succeed at at least minimizing or at most preventing damage so I can feel like, okay I have something positive to check off in my corner. I'm all about looking at the bright side of things, plus I think doing something sometimes takes focus off of negativity.

Thanks for the well wishes.
@luckiestdestiny Hey, didn't see the tag. Not sure if that works for tags outside of in the actual thread?

I am so sorry to hear about your health issues and wish you a quick recovery.

I would absolutely not detangle wet, fragile hair.
I had a weird tangling issue (product related?) and have detangler in my hair right now (Sally GVP) and I also use Mane & Tail detangler.
If you decide to do a protein treatment or use a strengthening shampoo/conditioner, you could fully let your hair dry and then use the detangler.
I think it could work to strengthen (protein treatment) first and then detangle.

The longest I've kept a weave is 12 weeks but I have kept crochet braids for a bit longer (13 weeks).
I can't say I retained all the hair though since the take down and detangle process always frustrates me and I am not gentle for the full take down.

I am not familiar with net weaves. I've seen them done but don't know the pros and cons.

I'd go with cornrows or even pigtails redone every week until you recover. You don't want to put too much stress on your hair or yourself to do your hair.
@luckiestdestiny Hey, didn't see the tag. Not sure if that works for tags outside of in the actual thread?

I am so sorry to hear about your health issues and wish you a quick recovery.

I would absolutely not detangle wet, fragile hair.
I had a weird tangling issue (product related?) and have detangler in my hair right now (Sally GVP) and I also use Mane & Tail detangler.
If you decide to do a protein treatment or use a strengthening shampoo/conditioner, you could fully let your hair dry and then use the detangler.
I think it could work to strengthen (protein treatment) first and then detangle.

The longest I've kept a weave is 12 weeks but I have kept crochet braids for a bit longer (13 weeks).
I can't say I retained all the hair though since the take down and detangle process always frustrates me and I am not gentle for the full take down.

I am not familiar with net weaves. I've seen them done but don't know the pros and cons.

I'd go with cornrows or even pigtails redone every week until you recover. You don't want to put too much stress on your hair or yourself to do your hair.
Thanks for the advice. Maybe I need to add everyone into the first one.

I'm wondering if I should bet GVP too. I heard it's amazing. That would mean I have GVP, Paul mitchell the detangler (for washing afterwards), knot today, and Cowboy magic (plus just for me detangling :giggle: I know it's a lot but eh, I am not trying to have knots unless I have to). . I think it's better to have more than less so I'm going to order that one tonight too.

The first time I had the net it went well and I was almost three months. So I decided to try it again by the same person. We'll see about the four month thing but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I think I'm staying away from water till after. There are just too many warnings and even I am not certain that would be the right thing to do. I just wanted stronger hair first but I'll have to hope that some of the detanglers have strengtheners in it. Like maybe I'll put some on it and let it dry and then the next day put more and start to slowly detangle. So that it soaks in and anything strengthening has time to do it's work.
@luckiestdestiny Hey, didn't see the tag. Not sure if that works for tags outside of in the actual thread?

I am so sorry to hear about your health issues and wish you a quick recovery.

I would absolutely not detangle wet, fragile hair.
I had a weird tangling issue (product related?) and have detangler in my hair right now (Sally GVP) and I also use Mane & Tail detangler.
If you decide to do a protein treatment or use a strengthening shampoo/conditioner, you could fully let your hair dry and then use the detangler.
I think it could work to strengthen (protein treatment) first and then detangle.

The longest I've kept a weave is 12 weeks but I have kept crochet braids for a bit longer (13 weeks).
I can't say I retained all the hair though since the take down and detangle process always frustrates me and I am not gentle for the full take down.

I am not familiar with net weaves. I've seen them done but don't know the pros and cons.

I'd go with cornrows or even pigtails redone every week until you recover. You don't want to put too much stress on your hair or yourself to do your hair.
Wait or is GVP (sally ) similar to paul mitchell's? Maybe I only need one of them?
I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, but I'm glad it's been diagnosed so now you know how to treat it.

When I took out my locs, I just used a cheapie conditioner like V05 and a bobby pin. It was not a well-thought out plan and took 2 days, but I got them out. They were a little below shoulder length at the time.
I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, but I'm glad it's been diagnosed so now you know how to treat it.

When I took out my locs, I just used a cheapie conditioner like V05 and a bobby pin. It was not a well-thought out plan and took 2 days, but I got them out. They were a little below shoulder length at the time.
Did you maintain your progress? That's pretty cool to know. I had no idea. Thanks for responding :)
Anyone want to talk good health supplements or things to eat? Even if they're just general? I'm eating bone broth now daily as I'm told it helps the gut. Health nuts and amateurs let me know what you take to keep healthy in the gut area (and everywhere).
So it's weird but when it happened and I was in the hospital, instead of going into despair I had a feeling everything is going to turn around. Like I now will get everything I need to be healthy, and will know what's going on with my body and that will be the start of good things. And I felt like my life was going to turn around in every way and I was going to have an epic and wonderful turn around: like the rest of my life will be super blessed. Morphine? Maybe. :giggle:

But hey at least my mindset is in a good place and I do believe that where the mind goes, everything else follows.

Thanks to everyone for your support and responses.
I'd be careful mixing all these different products. Can you call person that put it in and arrange for them to take it out? Schedule the time so they don't rush. You can do deep conditioner or protein treatment once you've been detangled and washed.

Your optimism will be an asset as you fight your current health challenges. I agree with suggestion of simple cornrows (you can tuck under wig if you get bored) until you get your mix of vitamins etc together. Best wishes!:circle:
I'd be careful mixing all these different products. Can you call person that put it in and arrange for them to take it out? Schedule the time so they don't rush. You can do deep conditioner or protein treatment once you've been detangled and washed.

Your optimism will be an asset as you fight your current health challenges. I agree with suggestion of simple cornrows (you can tuck under wig if you get bored) until you get your mix of vitamins etc together. Best wishes!:circle:
I would love to but I flew out of state to recoup with fam and work from home. I had already had an iron infusion here for severe anemia not knowing its connection. I was feeling ill and about to fly back to Ny when hospitalized. So now I am staying with fam until after Christmas and going to the team of doctors who discovered it in the hospital now at their regular sites. so I am pretty much on my own besides help from maybe my mom if she helps and she knows nothing about weaves.

I would love help my goodness would I ever!